7 Positive Thoughts to Have after a Breakup ...


7 Positive Thoughts to Have after a Breakup ...
7 Positive Thoughts to Have after a Breakup ...

Even if it seems like your world is ending, there are positive thoughts to have after a break up. It’s difficult to get over the boy you loved, but your time with him wasn’t a waste. Try not to spend too much time crying over losing him. Counteract your depression with these positive thoughts to have after a break up.

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Magical Memories

At first, it might be difficult to think about all of the great times you two shared. However, one day you’ll be able to look back on your memories and smile. You shouldn’t be upset that your time together is over. You should be happy that you had any time together at all. Any amount of happiness he gave you made the relationship worth it. One of the positive thoughts to have after a break up is that your ex gave you some of the best days (or years) of your life. You were lucky to be together, even if your happiness wasn’t permanent.


What I Want

Even if you loved the boy you were with, there have to be a few things that you disliked about him. Think about the traits that annoyed you and the things that led to your breakup. Keep these things in mind so that your next relationship runs smoothly. Every moment is a learning experience. If your ex taught you something about what you do or don’t want in a man, then being with him was worth it.


Practice Makes Perfect

Dating your ex wasn’t a waste. All of the make-out sessions you had made you a better kisser. All of those late night conversations you had made you more willing to express your emotions. The next boy you meet could be your soulmate. Your ex helped you prepare for meeting him by giving you skills that will help in your next relationship.


Other Men

Don’t believe that your ex is the only guy who will ever love you or think you’re beautiful. Instead, be happy that he thought so highly of you, and know that other men will share his opinion. He’s not the only guy in the world. There are plenty of people out there that would love to be with you. You’ll find someone just as good as him--or even better!


Other Things

Men don’t make the world go ‘round. You have friends, family, and hobbies that can keep you occupied. If most of your time was spent with your ex, your breakup will give you more free time to work on your artwork or start the book you’ve been dying to read. Put your free time to good use. Start a new project, go out with friends, or do whatever it is that makes you the happiest.


Now You Know

Could you picture a world where you said no to the first date that your ex asked you on? If you turned him down, you never would have known whether your relationship would or wouldn’t have worked out. Even though it’s over, at least you know that you tried. If you didn’t go out with him, you’d always be wondering if you should’ve. Be happy that you made the decision to let him in and tried to make things work.


Opened Opportunities

You’ll need some time to heal, but then you can go out and find a new man. Did you miss flirting with the cute boys at work? Have you daydreamed about the guy that delivers pizza to you every Friday? Now that you’re single, you can try to turn your desires into reality. You’re no longer tied down, so you can date anyone that you want!

The end of a relationship doesn't have to be filled with misery. You can cast a positive light on the time with your ex and allow yourself to move on. Have you recently gone through a breakup? How are you handling it?

Feedback Junction

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current situation

I need help I like this guy that I was going to date last month but I always get scared when a guy likes me so I chickened out of are date....so we stuck to being friends but I still liked him...so a week later I was going to ask him out and not chicken cuz I really did/do like him but right as I was about to send the text that said "Do you want to go out" etc my best friend text me and said he had a girlfriend...so now I don't know what to do....and his girlfriend is my friend to ugh but were not that close....so I has no idea what to do about the situation

We broke up after he finds out I'm pregnant. He doesn't want our baby!

My ex and I broke up almost a month ago. I knew that weekend that we would end up breaking up because things were the same..he ended up getting back together with his ex a week after we broke up and we were together a year. I'm now with someone that makes me so happy and I don't have to worry about anything with him.

Even though I never dated him, we've been close for two years and now whatever we had is over. This page is definitely helping, especially when I go back and think of the bad thugs about him, like his immaturity.

Glad to have seen this :(

my boyfriend, who I loved with my whole entire heart, for so so long, broke up with me yesterday.... 2 hours before I had to go to work.... I haven't stopped crying since. the day before he broke up with me, we had one of the most amazing and loving dates of our whole relationship and I couldn't have been happier. that night I fell asleep to him telling me how much he loved me.... the next morning I woke up to 14 loving texts from him.... a few hours later we are on the phone and he is telling me that he never really loved me. he said that he wanted to love me so badly so he kept telling himself and me that he loved me, in hopes that his feelings would change. and he realized that he would never love me so he ended it... out of the blue. I loved him more than anything.... everything I have leads back to him and I am absolutely devastated. I don't know what to do. I feel so lost and betrayed. how could i not have noticed, in our entire relationship, that he never loved me? my heart has shattered and I don't know how to put it back together... we had so many plans for the future, most of which were his plans... plans that I was looking forward to.... that I have lost now. he wasn't just my boyfriend, he was my best friend. I don't know what to do. he was always here for me when I was sad and now he's gone and I've never been more sad.

I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years but we had to break up not bcos we had an issue with one another but my mum doesn't accept or like him to be my future husband. It's not fair and hurts both of us after having our hearts set on it. Although this article is true I can possibly relate to it as my past ex's not him tho. He's the one I know is my soulmate. :( life is so unfair....

I just don't know if he love me u know?

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