The Most Valid Reasons Ever to Not Take Back a Cheater ...


The Most Valid Reasons Ever to Not Take Back a Cheater ...
The Most Valid Reasons Ever to Not Take Back a Cheater ...

I could list almost infinite reasons to not take back a cheater. Still, many people have no problems with infidelity. Personally, I don't think I could ever trust them again. If your partner's cheated on you, take a long hard look at these reasons to not take back your ex after cheating. While it works for some, being with a cheater is usually awkward and even painful.

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The Relationship Will Never Be the Same

person, portrait, painting, film noir, I'm, The moment you discover the infidelity, your relationship is forever changed. I think this is one of the biggest reasons why you shouldn't take back a cheater. The entire dynamic of the relationship changes drastically. You'll always be at least a little distrustful. Every time your partner looks at someone else, you'll wonder what they're thinking. Basically, you'll feel like there's a wall between the two of you.


Cheating is one of the most damaging actions that can happen in a relationship. It creates a breach of trust that can be difficult to repair. When a partner cheats, it can be tempting to try to work through the issue and move forward, but in many cases, it is best to not take back a cheater.

When a person cheats, it can create a feeling of insecurity in the relationship. This can lead to a lack of trust and a feeling of betrayal. Even if the relationship is salvaged, the trust that was once there is gone. This can lead to a feeling of constant suspicion and questioning of the partner's actions.

The cheater may not be able to repair the damage that has been done. Even if they apologize and try to make amends, it may not be enough to rebuild the trust that was lost. This can lead to a strained relationship and a feeling of resentment.

Cheating can have a long-term impact on the relationship. It can lead to a loss of intimacy and a lack of communication. The cheater may be less likely to be open and honest about their feelings, and the partner may be reluctant to share their feelings for fear of being hurt again.


They Won't Change

person, alcohol, emotion, film, People, If a person cheats on you once, what's to stop them from doing it again? They make a promise, but can you really trust them? No matter what their excuse, if they cheated on you once, they'll find other reasons to do it again. Even if they blame it on you, it's their problem and not yours. After all, if they're not happy in the relationship, they could always break up with you instead of cheating.


Cheating is a serious breach of trust in any relationship, and it can be difficult to decide whether to stay or go when it happens. It is important to remember that if someone has cheated on you once, they may do it again. People who cheat often do not take responsibility for their actions and will continue to do so if they are not held accountable. Even if they make promises to change, it is important to consider the possibility that they may not keep them.

In some cases, people may cheat because they are unhappy in the relationship and are looking for a way out. If this is the case, it may be better to break up than to stay and risk being cheated on again. It is also important to remember that it is not your fault if your partner cheats on you; cheating is a choice that they make.

It is important to remember that if someone has cheated on you, it is not necessarily a reflection of your worth as a person. It is often difficult to move on after being cheated on, but it is possible. It is important to remember that you are worthy of respect and trust, and that you deserve to be in a relationship with someone who values and respects you.


You Deserve Better

person, image, facial expression, emotion, skin, Do you really deserve to be with someone who doesn't appreciate you enough not to cheat? You should never blame yourself if your partner has an affair. You deserve to be with someone who loves and respects you. You will find someone better. Some people stay because they don't want to be alone. Trust me, being single is better than being with a cheater.


Cheating is one of the most difficult things to go through in a relationship. It can leave you feeling betrayed, confused, and hurt. It is important to remember that you deserve better and that you should never blame yourself if your partner has an affair.

When someone cheats, it is often because they are not satisfied with the relationship and are looking for something more. It is not a reflection on you and you should never feel like you have to stay with someone who doesn’t appreciate you enough not to cheat. You deserve to be with someone who loves and respects you.

It can be hard to move on from a relationship after being cheated on, especially if you still care for your partner. But it is important to remember that being single is better than being with a cheater. It may take time to heal, but you will eventually find someone better.

It is important to take time for yourself and to remember that you deserve to be with someone who loves you and respects you. Don’t be afraid to take the steps to move on and find someone who will appreciate you and treat you the way you deserve.


They'll Never Respect You

finger, one, should, treated, like, Cheaters never respect their partners. If there aren't consequences, they feel like it's okay to walk all over you. Even if you yell at them and get upset, staying simply tells them it's okay to cheat. Leaving them proves you respect yourself. You shouldn't have to stay in a situation where your partner doesn't respect you or where you don't respect yourself.


Cheating can be a difficult thing to deal with in any relationship. Not only does it hurt the person who was cheated on, but it can also leave them feeling disrespected and powerless. In order to regain their sense of self-respect, it is important to make sure that the cheater knows that their actions have consequences. By leaving the cheater, you are showing them that their behavior is not acceptable and that you will not tolerate it.

Cheating can cause a lot of damage to a relationship, both emotionally and physically. It can lead to feelings of betrayal, mistrust, and insecurity. It can also lead to a decrease in communication and intimacy, as well as a decrease in overall satisfaction.

When a cheater knows that their actions have consequences, it can help them realize that their behavior was wrong and that it is not something that should be tolerated. It can also help them to understand the importance of respecting their partner and the relationship. If the cheater is not willing to make changes and take responsibility for their actions, then it is best to move on and find someone who will.


Be a Role Model

person, emotion, religion, think, anyone, Any time you stay with a cheater, you're teaching anyone who looks up to you that it's okay to be in a bad relationship. This is especially true if you have kids. Don't you want the people who see you as a role model to know that cheating is wrong? Show yourself and everyone else that cheating is right and that better is possible. You'll feel better about yourself and be happier.


Cheating in a relationship can have serious consequences, both emotionally and physically. Not only can it cause pain and distress to the person who has been cheated on, but it can also have long-term effects on the relationship. It is important to recognize that staying with a cheater is not only sending a message to the person being cheated on, but also to those who look up to you as a role model.

It is important to show those who look up to you that cheating is wrong and that it is possible to have a better relationship. If you are a parent, it is especially important to recognize the message that staying with a cheater sends to your children. You want to show them that cheating is not acceptable and that it is possible to have a healthy and honest relationship.

It is also important to recognize that cheating in a relationship can have serious physical and mental health implications for both parties. Cheating can lead to feelings of insecurity, betrayal, and distrust, and can cause long-term damage to the relationship. It is important to recognize the implications of staying with a cheater and to make sure that the message you are sending is one of respect and honesty.


Eliminate the Stress

person, mouth, Stressville,, population:, me!, No matter what your partner says or does, you'll always feel stressed whenever they're not right by your side. You'll wonder if they're really on a business trip or who they're with on their lunch break. Why wear yourself down with the constant stress? Dumping them eliminates the stress so you can get on with your life and find someone better.


They Don't Really Love You

person, black and white, model, beauty, portrait, No matter what people say about humans not being naturally monogamous, if someone truly loves you, they have no desire to cheat. I've heard all kinds of excuses about not getting enough attention or “it just happened.” The real reason is they don't care about you. Someone who cares about you and loves you doesn't want to hurt you.


Cheating shatters the sacred trust that forms the very foundation of a loving relationship. It's a deliberate choice, not an accident. Those who value and respect their partners will fight against any temptation that arises. They'll go to great lengths to communicate and resolve issues within the relationship, rather than seeking solace in the arms of another. The harsh truth is that if they step outside the relationship, they've shown you where their priorities lie—and it’s not with nurturing the bond you share. Love is about commitment and fidelity, and without these, it's not love at all.


They'll Continue to Lie

person, hairstyle, singer, profession, emotion, If someone's cheating, they're a liar. They went out of their to hide something major from you. If they're lying about cheating, what else are they lying about? Cheaters love to lie. Not only will you never be able to trust them again not to cheat, you won't be able to trust them about anything else. Lying definitely isn't the key to a successful relationship.


You'll Lose Friends and Family

black, white, person, photograph, black and white, If your friends and family find out about the infidelity, they'll probably encourage you to leave the person. When you don't, they may wonder what kind of person you are. At the very least, they won't want to be around your partner anymore because they don't like them. I've seen quite a few men and women lose friends because they refused to respect themselves and dump the cheater.

Both men and women cheat and it's not acceptable. The more people take them back, the more cheaters seem to think it's alright. There are great non-cheaters out there to be with and you deserve someone better than a backstabbing cheat. Would you ever take a cheater back and why?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Omg So true 100 % agree.

My boyfriend cheated on me two months ago and he kept telling me if he wanted someone else he would let me know. I found out from the girl he cheated on me with. She told me that he was seeing her and that he was saying negative things about me. I later

@edencook i wouldn't....

To do an emergency repair. We met stayed at a nice hotel had a very romantic even though repairs from a frozen pipe kept us busy for a while. He left to fly back to VA where he was supposed to be stationed. I checked my email and the very next day he ask

So true

"Cheat Once, Cheat Again"

cheating can help you see if the person is really worth it? lol! why would someone still be worth it after that. once a cheater, always a cheater! if you give him a second chance, you don't value yourself and you look stupid. ten bucks he gonna cheat on you again maybe not anytime soon because he is still proving that he is gonna change blah blah, but once he gets comfortable and he sees you trust him watch

It's true a cheater will always be a liar and the blame will always be you! There insecure with themselves until someone will do it to them. It disgusts me with there child mind excuses for it yet if it was to happen to them it's completely unacceptable

personally I think the article is a bit naive and self-righteous. I am an advocate of establishing a very strong foundation of compassion and understanding in the relationship, so both partners should bear the responsibility of keeping their relationship airtight. now, when the painful event does happen-- and it may-- a well-founded relationship will acknowledge the hurt and initial distrust, but will likely have the strength, humility and resilience to overcome an incredibly challenging period that may in fact result in a stronger-than-ever bond. it does require a considerable amount of humility from both parties, a lot of patience and an openness to vulnerability... but I believe it is not insurmountable. have a little faith in each person's humanity, including your own. you might find more strength and love than you ever thought you were capable of.

I needed this

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