30 Sure Signs He is in Love with You ❤️ ...

Signs he is in love with you can be hard to spot in the beginning, especially if you are just starting a relationship. New relationships can be hard to handle in the beginning, but they are also super exciting! So how can you tell if he is really into you long-term? What are the biggest signs he loves you? Well ladies, stay tuned because below, I'm going to explore the top 17 signs he loves you so that you can spot love right away!

1. He Loves Gazing into Your Eyes

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Most guys, when they are not interested in something, look away. Most of the time, if you watch a guy long enough, you will begin to see the exact moment he loses his interest – his eyes avert. If your man is constantly looking into your eyes, constantly keeping up eye contact, that is one of the first signs he is in love with you!

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