15 Tell Tale Signs Your Relationship is over for Girls Afraid of the Inevitable ...


15 Tell Tale Signs Your Relationship is over for Girls Afraid of the Inevitable ...
15 Tell Tale Signs Your Relationship is over for Girls Afraid of the Inevitable ...

As hard as it is, sometimes we just need to accept that a relationship is over and move on. Faiza gives you 15 signs to know when it's just not working out anymore. Thanks Faiza!

When in love, we are looking through rose-colored glasses, “La Viena Rousse.” Sometimes we’re so blinded by them that we ignore those very clear signs that a relationship is caput. We do our best to overlook the obvious in place of the positives–that are slowly fading into negatives. You continue to invest your time and emotions into what has become a one-sided relationship, because he hasn’t said those two words we dread hearing: “It’s over!” He’s doing things to drive you away without actually saying you’re done! So, what are the signs we women should NOT overlook? Here you go:

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He is Okay with Making You Cry

person, If he makes hurtful comments repeatedly and isn't bothered by your tears, it's very much over.

This point was generously submitted by one of our readers, Daisha Raymond Garcia. Thanks Daisha! Feel free to contribute your own point at the end of the post. We'd love to hear from you!


Something Seems off with Him

black and white,person,monochrome,monochrome photography,film, If you find yourself saying that “He’s not smiling, not happy, and he’s just not the person I remember he was when we first met,” it’s most likely an indication that it’s over.



image,person,photography,girl,beauty, You remember the times he used to be very attentive. He used to always text, call, Skype, or email you and now...crickets. You’re the one planning outings, most of which he flakes out on. You have to initiate all texts and calls because he’s not doing it. This is usually a pretty clear sign that he doesn’t care the way he did anymore.


Where Are We Headed?

nose,mouth,screenshot,interaction, He’s no longer talking about the direction your relationship is going in because in his mind it’s already over. You’re waiting for a memo that he’s never going to send out. Instead he’s attempting to use that as a way of saying, “We’re done” without actually saying it.


When We Becomes Me

person,blond,brown hair,portrait,timer, He’s no longer including you in anything as if he has no attachment to you. Decisions to do anything and go anywhere no longer include taking you into consideration, but rather doing whatever it is he wants to do. In other words, when he begins to act like a single man, this is a sure sign a woman should head for the hills and take her heart with her.


His Body Speaks Volumes

hair,face,nose,brown hair,hairstyle, Body language tells us many things about a person. A brow lift, lip smack, a lean, a stroke, a gaze, etc… these are all signs that he’s into you. But body language can also tell us when a man is just not that into you. An obvious sign is that he avoids any intimacy at all. If he’s not holding your hand, holding you, touching you, it’s a sure sign it’s over.


Fighting like Two Old Crows

screenshot,KTION,1111111, When he's picking fights with you about everything and anything, it's usually a sign that the end is near. Most will argue that he’s frustrated and has something on his mind, but if any of the other above signs coincide with this one, then the only thing on his mind is getting you out of it!


Trust Your Feelings

black,photograph,black and white,photography,beauty, This is one thing I tell every single woman who asks for relationship advice. It’s something that, if had I followed it, I would have avoided my very own heartbreak. You know when something is over because every part of your being says it is. Trust your gut. It rarely steers you wrong.


He Puts You down

screenshot,see, If you argue fairly often about money issues, what movie to see, etc. that’s one thing, but if he starts putting you down then it’s time to go. If this happens while you’re in the company of family or friends, it’s also a sure sign that things are pretty much over between the two of you. No one should treat you like this, especially while you’re hanging out with other people.


You’d Rather Spend the Night Alone

image,screenshot,singing,photo shoot,PLLGIFS, If he cancels on you and you think to yourself, “I’m so glad I don’t have to hang out with him tonight,” then you really need to consider ending things. You shouldn’t drag your relationship on if you would rather spend your night alone than be with him.


You Start Talking to More Guys

black and white,photography,monochrome photography,monochrome,film noir, This may not be so obvious at first, but if some of these other signs are in the mix then it may be a sign to call it quits with your current relationship. When you start flirting and making more guy friends, ending it is always the right thing to do before you cheat on your boyfriend. Don’t make it any worse than it already is.


You’re Only Having Sex

black,black and white,photography,darkness,monochrome photography, Yes, to some this may sound like a good thing. However, if this is the only good thing you have going on in your relationship then it may be time to say goodbye. You don’t talk to each other, share any common interests and only make an effort to have sex because it’s there. This is no longer a relationship, so do the right thing because you know that inside, you don’t feel right about it anymore.


He Tells You What to do

person,glasses,official, Does your boyfriend tell you what to wear, who you can hang out with, and what time you need to be home? This doesn’t sound like a relationship anyone should be in, so why are you keeping yourself in this one? When you met him he was sweet and loved your friends, but now that he has you things have changed. Well then, so has this relationship status!


There’s a New Girl “Friend”

Bet,person,mouth,human body,abdomen, Has he introduced you to a new girl “friend” of his recently? Well, like I said about you making new guy friends, it’s okay in a healthy relationship, but not in a broken one. If things haven’t been going well between the two of you and he all of a sudden has a new “friend,” then it may be time for you to get a new “friend” too and dump this one!


Your Friends Can’t Stand Him

stage,singing,screenshot, He was a great guy, everyone loved him during the first two years of your relationship. However, now everywhere you go together things seem awkward and he tells your friends weird or mean things about you. If your friends no longer like this guy, then it may be time for you to no longer like him.


He’s Never Sorry

conversation,#Parks,andRec, After an argument or disagreement, have you become the one to always apologize even when you know you’re not wrong? If he constantly puts the blame on you and never says the words, “I’m sorry,” well then you tell him, “No, I’m sorry because this relationship is over!”...the end!

REMEMBER… Most women don’t want to admit that something is over, especially when it comes to a relationship, out of fear of being alone, starting over, losing someone you love. Nothing is harder than being in a one-sided relationship and the hardest part about these particular relationships is the part that tells you to leave. When he’s giving you any of these indications that it’s over without actually saying it, you must remember that you need and deserve to be in a relationship where you feel special, appreciated, loved and most importantly, valued. Don’t wait for the words, look for the signs. I learnt the hard way that love is indeed a battlefield, but that doesn’t mean we have to pick up arms and fight a losing battle. Sometimes the best form of this type of warfare is to simply walk away. How did you know your relationship was over?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hi everyone. I signed up here in hope to get some insights from y'all. See I have been in a relationship with this man for 6 years now. We started dating when I was 20/21 and he was 28/29. Yes he was much older than I am. In the beginning, I was really madly inlove with him. However, 2 years in our relationship, I made the biggest mistake of cheating on him and I regret doing it. What led to cheating was because I saw that he was flirting with his friend who is a girl on the phone and he had gone hung out with her without me. Until now I've never met this girl. When I confronted him, he ignored me and brushed me off and told me to get over it. So one day I saw a guy friend from church whom I knew way back. We kicked it, he listened to me and one thing led to another. Anyways to make long story short, after 4 years of hiding my cheating from him, I finally told him this year. He was really heartbroken and to make him feel better he put his hands on me, twice! Then later he confessed that he had cheated on me too with two different female whom one of them I considered my friend. His parents knew all of the thing he had done to me, but of course they protected him. Now, Im in this situation where he wants to work it out. We have a child together so he wants his family back. But I think I already checked out on this relationship because of all the insults, name callings, and abused I suffered from him. I am confused if I should give this a try for the sake of my daughter, but I'm not 100% happy. If anyone could give me your advise, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for reading this long post

@KarrieAnn @tali

So true! After reading this article i realised he wasn't the one i deserve. It was an eye opener for me. People around me keep telling me i should let go. I was so blinded that maybe just maybe he will change. Now.. Im sad, he didnt even say a word about it and just go.

Walking away is better than staying in loveless life,love yourself more and don't give up who you are for one who doesn't care,in the end we deal with all of life's lessons alone learn when it's best to bow out even if you still feel love it will eventually turn to anger and hurt if one sided

Hey what’s


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