What to do if You've Never Been Kissed ...


What to do if You've Never Been Kissed ...
What to do if You've Never Been Kissed ...

There are plenty of women who haven't had their first kiss yet! It doesn't matter how late in life it happens to you. Gurl proves that. According to their website, here are a few things you can do if you've never been kissed:

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Get Rid of the Myth That It's Going to Be a Moment You Treasure Forever

Get Rid of the Myth That It's Going to Be a Moment You Treasure Forever Your first kiss might not be as amazing as you've always pictured. Sometimes, the guy you kiss will be a dud and you won't feel any sparks. It's okay. The next guy will be better.


Ask Yourself Why You Really Haven't Kissed Anyone Yet

Ask Yourself Why You Really Haven't Kissed Anyone Yet Is it because you think you're undesirable, so you haven't put yourself out there? If that's the case, you have to start thinking highly of yourself. You're a beautiful woman, after all!


In addition to thinking highly of yourself, it's important to remember that everyone has their own timeline when it comes to romantic experiences. Just because you haven't been kissed yet doesn't mean you're undesirable or less worthy of love and affection. It could simply mean that you haven't met the right person or that you haven't been in the right situation. Don't let societal pressures or expectations make you feel like you're behind in any way. Focus on building your self-confidence and putting yourself out there, and the right person and moment will come along when the time is right.


Banish the Idea That Your First Kiss Has to Be with Someone Special

Banish the Idea That Your First Kiss Has to Be with Someone Special Don't keep putting off your first kiss until you find your perfect man. You have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince. It's okay to have high standards. Just don't have unrealistic standards.


Be Prepared for Potential Weirdness

Be Prepared for Potential Weirdness Don't freak out if your first kiss ends up being awkward. Most of them are. Of course, if you're with the right guy, it won't be long until you two feel comfortable together.


It's important to keep in mind that everyone's first kiss experience is different and there's no right or wrong way for it to happen. It's completely normal to feel nervous or unsure during your first kiss, but remember that practice makes perfect. Also, don't be afraid to communicate with your partner and let them know what feels good and what doesn't. And if things do get a little awkward, just take a deep breath and try to laugh it off together. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the moment with someone you care about.


Remember That You're a Lot Less Alone than You Think

Remember That You're a Lot Less Alone than You Think Don't assume that everyone around you has already kissed dozens of men. They haven't. There are hundreds of girls out there like you, who are still waiting to get smooched. (I didn't have my first kiss until 19! And I still have friends who have never been kissed!)

Are you excited or worried about getting your first kiss?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I read this then got kissed...is this karma?

I'm glad I waited thou

I'm 19 and never been kissed, it's a little bit depressing

This is awful advice lol sorry. Don't listen to any of this girls. Wait til it's perfect

@Sarah J, it's actually pretty good advice. First kisses aren't perfect, they're usually awkward

This made me feel better. Thank you so much😌

Just wait. It will happen.

Dont panic or feel the need to rush it will happen and it can mean something special if you want it to

@Sarah J it's not awful advice, it's the truth for some people.

I had my first when I was twenty-one years old a college student. He is my prince. I never kissed any frogs. I feel like a princess. Now we are happily married and have a baby who is ten months now. Girls live your live your life and don't go looking for a man he will find you when you least expect it. Like me😊

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