21 Positive Signs a Guy is in Love with You for Girls Who Can't Tell ...


21 Positive Signs a Guy is in Love with You for Girls Who Can't Tell  ...
21 Positive Signs a Guy is in Love with You for Girls Who Can't Tell  ...

We've all been there. Whenever your boyfriend walks into a room, your hands start sweating and your heart won't stop racing. You're so comfortable around each other that it's hard to think of a time when you weren't together. Those are just a few obvious signs that you've fallen *hard*. But trying to figure out how he feels always sends you into Nancy Drew mood. If you're happy with how things are but can't help that little voice that wants to know if your man really feels the same, these surefire signs that he loves you will clear everything up.

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1. You Know You Can Always Look Forward to a "Good Morning" Text, Even if You Go to Sleep Upset

D&AD, moustache, good, morning,

2. When You're out with Your Girls, He'll Stay up Just to Text/tell You "Good Night"

person, film, book, Yes, would,


in context of the article "21 Positive Signs a Guy is in Love with You for Girls Who Can't Tell 🤔 ..." published on women focused blog.

Even if it's late at night, and he's probably exhausted, he stays up just to make sure you get home safely and that the last thing you see before you drift off is a sweet message from him. This thoughtful and consistent action highlights how much he values your safety and well-being, putting your needs above his own sleep or convenience. It's more than just a sweet gesture; it's a clear indicator that he genuinely cares and wants to be a significant part of your life, even during your downtime moments with friends.

Frequently asked questions

3. He Knows You Have Major Morning Breath Going on but Will Kiss You Anyway

person, human action, nose, kiss,

4. He's Not Annoyed (or Pretends He's Not) when You Drag Him to Sephora for the 30th Time. Marry Him Right Now

hair, person, Marry, me!,

5. He Understands That PMS is a B*tch and Will do Drugstore Runs without You Asking

person, blond, woman, finger, profession,

6. His Buddies Constantly Make Fun of Him Because He Won't. Shut. up. about You

WHIPPED, WAH, PAH!, dorsia, tumblr,

7. When He's out with His Best Friend, He'll Say "I Was Thinking about You" or "the Three of Us Should [insert Activity] Next Time"

person, musician, singing, official,

8. He Pays Attention when You Go off on Another 30-minute Rant about Your BFF; Family; Co-worker

I'm, listening.,

9. When You Complain about Your BFF or Family, He Knows Not to Join in. Only You Can do That!

person, singing,

10. (He Also Knows You Don't Really Mean It.)

person, hairstyle, an1, ogius,

11. Half of His Facebook Statuses Are Dedicated to Bragging about Your Accomplishments - Big or Small


12. He Doesn't Need to Check His Phone Every Five Seconds when He's with You

black, white, person, black and white, road,


When he's truly into you, his phone becomes an afterthought. Those endless notifications lose their sirens' call as he’s engrossed in every word you say, his attention undivided. It's not just about being polite; rather, it’s a genuine desire to savor the moments with you undistracted. This marks a respect for your presence and an appreciation for the now—a modern-day sign of chivalry in a world often lost to screens.

13. He Talks about Future Plans like They're a Given. "There's This Place I'm Dying to Go to for My Birthday Next Year. You'll Love It."

hair, person, hairstyle, film, know,

14. He's Super Close with Your Parents and Siblings. (It's a Bit Embarrassing Just How Much They Love Him.)

person, profession, What, that, jacket?,


He's the type of guy who effortlessly wins over your family. Whether it's joking around with your dad about sports, chatting with your mom as they prep dinner, or effortlessly bonding with your siblings, his presence is always welcomed. You might even receive texts from your family members asking when he's coming over again! It can be a little embarrassing just how much they adore him, but take it as a sign that he's genuinely invested in knowing the people important to you. This level of closeness shows he's not just in it for you, but for the long haul.

15. Or if They're Not Big Fans of Him, He'll Go out of His Way to Impress Them. All Because He Wants to Make You Happy

performing arts, brought, you, flours.,

16. When You're Not Together, You Have Entire Conversations via Emojis and Gifs

t shirt, toy,

17. You're a Priority to Him, *NOT* an Option

person, profession, BURNSIDE, CUZ, I'M,


in his life. He makes time for you, rearranges his schedule, and ensures he’s available when you need him. You don’t have to chase him or fight for his attention because he willingly gives it. When conflicts arise, he’s genuinely attentive and strives to resolve them quickly, proving you’re more than just a fleeting interest. His actions scream reliability and dedication, showing he values and prioritizes your presence. He doesn't leave you wondering where you stand; instead, he consistently reinforces that you are a significant part of his life, making you feel special and cherished every single day.

18. Exhibit a: It's Already Assumed That You're His Permanent plus One to All Family Events

sports, human action, contact sport, combat sport, t ai chi ch uan,

19. Exhibit B: He Can Be Super Pissed at You but Still Looks out for You

person, black and white, film noir, film, darkness,


Even when you're in the middle of a heated argument, he'll still make sure you get home safely. Maybe he'll shoot you a text to see if you arrived alright or offer to walk you to your door despite the tension. This is a huge sign that he truly cares about your well-being, even when he's upset. It's easy to act loving when everything is peachy, but it's a whole different story when emotions are running high. Being able to put his anger aside to ensure you're safe speaks volumes about his genuine feelings for you.

20. Exhibit C: He Can Build a Shrine with All of the Things He's Saved from Your Relationship. Funny Birthday Cards, Gag Gifts, He's Kept Them All

singing, costume, You, weren't, supposed,

21. He May Not Say "I Love You" Often, but He'll Go out of His Way to Make Sure That You Feel It

City, gentleman, fireina, flask, Citytv,

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I'll start finding a new boo.

I need a new boyfriend 😁

the next day I asked him why he was ignoring me he said he wasn't then started talking with me. i kept taking his glue stick ((for a projected we were partners)) he would ask for it and always touch me when he toke it from me. The I had to call him/

why  do guy tell a girl to sit on his lap  and why do guy tell you to go ask a teacher to use a restrom

These aren't all accurate, gals. We all know that love stories aren't the same! :)

My fiancé doesn't do most of those things but that's also why I'm with him. This sounds like a clingy person but that's just my opinion. I guess I just prefer a more independent guy who doesn't always have to tell me I'm on his mind, but I know his heart.

If you have any feeling whatsoever for your friend, I suggest you pursue them this summer!

I feel bad for being the one who does the things that are on the list while he didn't accomplish any of them...

My boyfriend does all this :D

My crush found out I like him along with my whole school😓 he used to wink at me and talk in private then this happened he started ignoring me and one of my friends ((Who's a boy)) got angry cause he was treating me bad he yelled at him and then -