9 Alternatives to Traditional Marriage Many Women Are Embracing ...

Crystal Jul 3, 2014

Marriage may seem pretty straight-forward, but many women are embracing several alternatives to traditional marriage. The traditional couple getting married and settling down isn't right for everyone. After all, if you're happy together, that's all that truly matters. If regular marriage isn't right for you, you might want to consider one of these alternatives to traditional marriage.

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1. Living Together

By far, one of the most popular alternatives to traditional marriage is to simply live together. I see marriage as being a commitment two people make to each other. Choosing to live together and commit to each other is really no different. Many previously married individuals opt for this alternative because marriage didn't work for them in the past. Others just enjoy skipping the hoopla of a big ceremony.

2. Long Distance Relationship

I know this is a deal breaker for many, but some couples have no problem embracing a long distance relationship. The key to success is trust. Whether you're married or not, living apart and not being able to see each other for weeks or months at a time is hard. Military couples do it all the time. Others are finding it works great for them as well, especially when jobs are located hundreds of miles apart.

3. The Bread Winner Wife

In today's society, it's not all about the man bringing home the bacon and the wife staying home with the kids. In fact, many marriages now reverse those roles. Stay at home dads are more common than ever. To me, a couple should work out the roles they play for the best of the marriage, kids and themselves. It's always kind of sweet to see a guy cooking dinner and changing dirty diapers.


This shift in domestic dynamics reflects a progressive mindset where gender norms are fluid and the notion of providing is not tied to one's sex. Couples are defining success in terms that resonate with their personal values and situations. Having a female breadwinner often means that financial flexibility and career choices are re-evaluated for the benefit of the household's overall well-being. It's a supportive, egalitarian approach to partnership, where both partners share responsibilities and strengths in a way that nurtures family growth and individual satisfaction.

4. Just Friends

Many people say their spouse is their best friend. Some women have decided to fully embrace that and marry for friendship instead of romantic love. While love-making may or may not be a priority, these couples are often extremely happy. They each are free to go off with other friends and when they come home, it's to someone they truly enjoy being around. Basically, it's a roommate that you trust completely.

5. Multiple Marriages

While traditional vows say “til death do you part,” many women have discovered couples often grow apart. The person you're compatible with now may very well change several years later. Instead of forcing themselves to spend their lives in a miserable situation, they divorce and remarry later. Multiple marriages are nothing unusual and they help people stay happy throughout their lives.

6. Gay Marriage

While it's still highly controversial, gay marriage really isn't any different than traditional marriage. Still, for women who don't have a supportive family, it may be hard to consider marrying another woman, no matter how much they love each other. The fact is, marriage means being with the one you love. Gay or straight, it doesn't matter.

7. Marriage of Convenience

Marriage isn't always about love. In fact, it's often about convenience. From health benefits to a better living situation, some women marry to make life easier on themselves and the person they marry. For instance, a guy may get married because he needs a stable babysitter for his daughter. The couple are close friends, but they're not in love.

8. Open Marriage

I guess this is one of the hardest for me to understand. After all, why get married at all if both of you want to be with other people? Still, this alternative works for some couples. The key is communication and letting the other know who you're with. For these couples, it's not cheating because they're honest with each other and don't form romantic attachments to anyone else they're with. I suppose you'd call this a marriage with side benefits.

9. Polygamous Marriage

Sometimes it's hard to find just one person. Polygamous marriages aren't nearly as taboo as they used to be. Usually women in these marriages start out traditionally. The couple then decides to marry another man or woman or both. It's kind of a play on open marriage, except with a commitment.

As you can see, marriage isn't quite as black and white as we've been led to believe. If tradition is right for you, do what makes you and your partner happy. You have plenty of options to choose from. Have you ever embraced any non-traditional marriage alternatives?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

So much conservative angst at the mere mention of alternatives.....marriage as we know it today is only about 200yrs old in the West! Prior to that, arranged marriages were the rule, with exceptions only for the highest elites and then only in exceptional circumstances. Having marriageable children was considered an asset belonging to the male head of the family. He managed that asset for the good of the family, often to ensure peace between neighbouring villages by creating binding ties. Choosing to marry for "love" is so new, despite what romance novels might fantasise about, that those in the Social Sciences consider modern marriage to be a "social experiment" that so far has not demonstrated that it is as successful in sustaining protection of children as arranged marriages with no prospect of divorce. Remember also that in 1900, in the West, male average life expectancy was 42yrs and far less in developing countries, where it was only around 32yrs. People paired up prior to 20yrs of age and were almost immediately pregnant. 1/3 of babies died before the age of 5yrs and maternal death rates in childbirth were atrocious. Widowers did''t then seek out "love", they sought a woman prepared to help them raise their children, maybe have a few more and ensure heirs would be there to inherit if anything was owned. So when an article is written about alternatives to modern marriage, how ignorant it is to claim a deity ordered marriage a la 21st century for all! It is simply fantasy, as no marriages like ours today existed in the Middle East 2000yrs ago. There was no dating, no glorious love affairs for the 99% of citizens who were desperately poor. Survival was the #1 priority every single day and at a time when a tooth ache could very well mean death over 4 or 5 agonising days, no-one even thought about open, closed, polygamous(very common to increase chance of children surviving if mother died) or any combination thereof. The religious comments simply don't conform with history written at the time!

First ppl need to keep religion and God out of it. Marriage or what we know as the institution did NOT always exists as woman with dress walking down the isle... Marriage was really a business arrangement where many of you were sold off for a dowry or a cow or to merge some land or property... Do your research and stop thinking that the word commitment only belongs to the institution of marriage...Commitment is what you do with each other... marriage is a contract and combining of assets. That's like saying long term couples without merging their assets are not committed. No they are... when you have nothing tieing you together you have a lot to lose and work harder to keep it. Unlike marriage...many women especially think 'oh we married now, where's he going?'

I say as long as they love, respect and trust one another and all are on the same page than who am I or anyone to judge others on what they see as marriage.... Plus I'm an out & proud lesbian myself and can't wait to marry the woman of my dreams someday...:)

This is absolutely horrible

no marriage is marriage.

what ever happened to marriage being about love???

This article is silly. Marriage is ordained by God. First off, there should not be any OPEN MARRIAGE. What is that? Secondly, marrying someone for babysitting purposes is STUPID!!! Lastly, the rest of these "marriages" are silly. Gay marriage, well, I'll leave that alone. Two each his own with that one.

are you kidding me??? aside from gay marriage... the rest of these make a mockery of what marriage is. whether it be between a man and a woman, two men or two women... it is insane to marry for any reason other than love. and to group gay marriage in with these is ridiculous. it is possible to marry your best friend who can also provide you with health insurance and still be head over heals in love.

Wow. This is one of the most ridiculous posts I have ever read. I used to love this app and now all I keep seeing is garbage opinion posts over and over. Stick to helpful posts regarding health, fitness, etc. Don't post crap like this unless it's thoroughly researched and backed up by actual statistics.

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