9 Amazingly Adorable Winter Date Ideas ...

By Vanessa4 Comments

Tis the season for romantic winter dates! Whether you're ice skating or sipping on hot chocolate at a local coffee shop, there are so many fun things to do that embrace the weather and make for a good time. Here are nine easy and fun date ideas for the winter:

1 Go Ice Skating

Don't shy away from ice skating just because you're not the greatest at it! I mean, falling down is half the fun, right?! LOL. Going ice skating together is such a sweet date because it guarantees some hand holding time! The two of you can skate around with other lovely couples, or, if you want to make things extra special, book a private lesson for you two!

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2 Go Get Dessert

If you live in NYC, the go-to spot to get dessert is Serendipity, of course! You can split the frozen hot chocolate and enjoy the serene atmosphere. If you don't live in the NYC area, go to your favorite dessert spot and feed your sweet tooth!

3 Have a Romantic Night in

Who said you need to go out to have a romantic date? There are so many cute things you can do at home! Have a movie marathon - the two of you can pick out your favorite movies and stuff your faces with homemade s'mores! If you want to make things even cooler, channel your inner kid and build a fort together! Think of how cozy it'll be to watch all those movies!

4 Go for a Stroll in the Snow

A romantic date can be as simple as taking a stroll outside! Get bundled up and walk hand-in-hand through the park. Think of all the cute photos you can take together!

5 Go Snowboarding

Whether you're a beginner or pro, going snowboarding will show off your adventurous side! Plus, whenever you fall, he'll be right there to help you back up. Make sure you're bundled up before you hit the slopes!

6 Coffee Date

Coffee dates are probably my favorite. I love going into local coffee shops; the atmosphere is so much calmer than going to a franchise like Starbucks or Dunkin!

7 Hot Tub or Jacuzzi

Hot tub? Yes, please! It's always the best way to unwind after a long, tiring day. You can even bring a glass of wine in there with you!

8 Cabin Weekend Getaway

I know, your first instinct is probably to escape the cold and head on a warm vacation, right? Don't! Rather than running away from the cold, embrace the season and go on a weekend getaway at a lake house or log cabin. The drive up there will be great quality time together! You can bundle up by the fire (what's more romantic than that?) and by leaving your phone at home, you can enjoy a weekend without any interference!

9 Spa Day

What sounds better than warming up in a sauna on a cold winter day? Not much! Take your man to the spa for a total couples relaxation day. You can take hot stone massages together, sit in the steam room, and just lounge around in robes and slippers!

Well, there you have it! These are just nine out of many adorable winter date ideas! Which was your favorite? How do YOU like to spend time with your sweetie in the winter? Share your ideas in the comments!

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