7 Awesome First Impression Tips ...


7 Awesome First Impression Tips ...
7 Awesome First Impression Tips ...

First impression tips will help leave the best impression on a date. Many girls mess up on a first date by making the wrong impression. Knowing a few key first impression tips will put you ahead of the game. Your date will be amazed by you and ready to ask you out again! So, with that in mind, let's explore the top 7 first impression tips!

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Dress Well

You don’t have to show too much skin to make a good impression. Guys want you to be yourself on a date. It’s okay to dress sexy, but don’t overdo it and look slutty. Show a little skin, but leave something to the imagination as well.


Don’t Fidget

Fidgeting can be distracting. If you are constantly picking at your clothes or your face and twirling your hair, it takes away from what you are saying. Follow this first impression tip and avoid fidgeting. Sit on your hands if it will help.


Avoid Debates

While having an opinion and being passionate about something is excellent, getting into a heated debate isn’t the best idea for making a good first impression. Be real about who you are and what you stand for, but save hot topics for another time.


Remember Your P’s and Q’s

Being polite seems a like a no brainier first impression tip, but sometimes we forget. Guys notice if you aren’t saying thank you for the little things, especially on a first date. If you can be so comfortable to forget those things now, it’s not going to be any better down the road.


Don’t Get Drunk

It’s okay to have a drink on a first date. It might help loosen you up and make you relax, but know your limit. Some girls have a habit of not knowing what their drinking limit is. Don’t be that girl. Getting drunk on a first date is not going to end well. Do you really want to have this guy pulling your hair back as you toss up dinner, or worse yet, toss it up on him?

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Smile girl! Show your happy spirit and positive attitude. Girls who don’t smile, at least a little, look angry and miserable.Who wants to date a girl that is always looking angry? This is for sure a first impression tip that will make your guy ask you out!


End the Date Memorably

The best first impression tip is to end the date memorably. Give you date a warm hug and a soft kiss on the cheek. Leave something for him to think about later as he goes other the details of your date together in his head.

Following these first impression tips are sure to help you impress your new date. This is especially good if he seems like someone you could really like and want to get to know better. Some of these same first impression tips can help when wanting to make a good impression on other people too, such as your boyfriends parents, a new boss, or an interview. What are somethings you do to create a good first impression? Do you follow any of our first impression tips?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

Feedback Junction

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Hi! My name is Monique. This site is AWESOME by the way :) and I wanted to ask for some advice since that's what the others were doing :D I am a very shy person at my new school. I don’t talk to the other students very much. There was an incident in English during roll-call last week when the teacher called my name and everyone said, “Who’s Monique?” I’ve decided enough is enough, and that I need to start speaking up and becoming the smart, funny girl that I am behind closed doors. But the problem is.. I don’t know how to begin, and I’m an 18 year old Senior in high school already. To be honest, I’m not very outspoken (though I wish I were), I’m not confident, I’ve never fallen in love, or had a boyfriend. I’ve never even been kissed (hahah so Drew Barrymore). What I’m asking is, could you please give me some advice on how to be more confident, and how to make friends? (And possibly how to be less nervous around guys?) I’d really appreciate it :]

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