7 Beautiful Things about Interracial Couples ...


You've probably read or heard about how beneficial diversity can be in a classroom, and how important it is in the workplace, but have you even considered the beautiful things about interracial couples? As diversity is promoted, the number of cross-racial relationship increases! My boyfriend and I have different racial backgrounds, and from my experience, and also observing others, I've learned that there are so many beautiful things about interracial couples! I've listed my favorites below.

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1. Experiencing Each Other's Culture

One beautiful thing about interracial couples is that they are open to experiencing each other's culture. This could mean trying new foods, listening to new kinds of music, or getting acquainted with customs and traditions that are foreign to you. If you are in an interracial relationship and your significant other has family in another country, you might get the opportunity to visit an entirely new world! People of two very different backgrounds can bring so much adventure and curiosity to a relationship. What could be more beautiful than somebody wanting to appreciate their sweetheart's lifestyle?

2. The Language of Love

A very cool part of being in an interracial relationship is being exposed to a new language. While dating someone bilingual won't make you fluent, you might be inspired to learn a language for yourself so that you and your partner can communicate together in different ways! Or, you can simply enjoy the way they sound when they talk. I don't know about you, but being spoken to romantically in a different language, or even a different accent, makes me swoon!

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3. Opens Your Mind

Interracial couples have to be incredibly open minded about each other's beliefs, conventions, and rituals to work together harmoniously. Couples of different racial or cultural backgrounds may have different values or religions. Westerners tend to be more individualistic and self-oriented while Eastern cultures are more collective and group-oriented. Interracial couples learn to balance these kind of differences and also to balance each other.

4. Bravery

Sometimes in interracial couples, it takes a great amount of bravery to go beyond what is familiar to you. It can be difficult when your family, friends, community, or society don't understand your relationship. I always admire couples who are willing to sacrifice what is important to them or reject their family's opinion in order to be with someone they really care about. Interracial relationships are beautiful in that sometimes, so much courage and strength is needed; being committed to your partner as well as remaining committed to your culture if this is something you don't see eye-to-eye on.

5. Love Isn't Skin Deep

While I do think that interracial couples physically look beautiful together, partners of different races or ethnicities look beyond outward appearance. If you are in an interracial relationship, odds are you appreciate people of different backgrounds and have no natural desire to discriminate. I am mostly Italian and my boyfriend is half black American and half Korean. The first time I saw him, the first thing that I noticed was his smile! I love seeing racial barriers being broken when two people hold hands.

6. Compromise

Being in an interracial relationship provides you with the beautiful opportunity to learn how to compromise with someone you love and care about. Compromise is important in any relationship, but extremely prominent in an interracial relationship; you might worship differently, see history in different lights, and understand the world in entirely contrasting ways. It's really helpful to meet your partner half-way and be opening to listening to their opinions and thoughts in a positive way. Your significant other should do the same for you!

7. Beautiful and Well Rounded Babies

My baby cousin is the first member of my family to be mixed-race and she is so, so beautiful. Babies with parents of two different races or cultures might grow up to be more well-rounded! They will be exposed to different traditions, might celebrate different holidays, and may also grow up speaking two different languages! Also, if you remember anything from biology, genetic diversity is absolutely a plus!

Are you in an interracial relationship? Do you know anyone who is? What kind of experiences have you had?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Am in love with a guy from another race but I don't know still if he have feelings for me ......wish me luck

i am 100% behind interracial couples they be so beautiful and the kids too i myself is dating outside my race

This is so beautiful! I have a friend who is struggling with acceptance from some of the people around her because she is in an interracial couple. I told her to read this article. I hope it uplifts her just as much as it did for me. ⭐️

I am Italian, Chinese, and Thai. My boyfriend is Jamaican, Puerto Ricano, Filipino, and Hawaiian. He's made me happier than anyone else I've ever been with.

I am white while my boyfriend is African American, Puerto Rican and Dominican!! You can't imagine some of the looks we get in public! This article was very inspiring! Thank You!

He is Vietnamese/American and I am Filipina. Exchange of cultures, learning different language. And accepting/respecting one's religion for the sake of love. :)

I'm biracial and it's the best of two worlds

I have always admired biracial relationships haven't had the chance to date outside my race. I wouldn't mind giving it a trial