Bringing up marriage with your partner can get tricky, awkward and downright disastrous if not done right. Guest contributor Jessica Marcus shares her insightful tips on how to hint at marriage the right way.
It's never easy to just come out and clearly say you want to get married to your partner! It can leave you feeling vulnerable and open to a whole array of emotions. So, sometimes we women like to simply test the waters and see if we're ready to take the dive and bring up marriage. Here are 7 ways to successfully see if your partner is on the same page as you.
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1. Attend a Friend's Wedding Together
Nothing is better than being fully immersed in the topic! Attending a wedding together is the perfect backdrop and opportunity to investigate, ask questions, and even drop hints subtly without putting on the pressure. You can even start off safely by simply getting his opinion on the band and follow up by saying, 'If we had got married, it would be great to …." This should send a signal to your boyfriend and his reaction should help you determine how effective your hinting has been!
2. Bring up Future Events down the Line
Whether you are planning on going back to Grad School or have been meaning to move to New York, you need to make sure you talk about the future. Test out the waters by saying you are looking to plan a vacation to Italy next summer with him. Feel free to casually joke that you can also save that destination for your honeymoon. By making a joke like this, you are able to send the message you are open to marriage, without making the conversation so heavy.
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3. Casually Browse Engagement Rings
This is one of the clearest ways to hint you're ready to get married. With today's technology, you don't even need to go to the physical store, but simply visit a jewelry website, like Michael Hill, using your shared computer. Make sure you go through a few pages, checking out several diamond rings, to make sure your web browser's history has a nice collection of the pages. Feel free to "accidentally" leave one of the pages open for him to "accidentally" see later on.
4. Admire Other Marriages around You
One of the easiest and most natural ways to bring up marriage is by looking at the amazing couples around you who have been married for years. Can’t think of any of your contemporaries that fit the mold? Not a problem! You can always use characters on your favorite television shows. Lily and Marshall are an excellent example, if you both watch 'How I Met Your Mother.' Talking about what makes them such a great pair and eventually move into what makes you two a great pair … and hence, why you should get married!
5. Use Art as a Means of Expression
Do you remember making collages when you were younger? Many adults continue to make collages and crafts, and one such popular concept is the 'dream board'. It's a creative way to set goals and map out your ideal vision for the future. Make yours and include whatever images you think best illustrate your future married life together. Hanging up your dream board is the final step in showing off your goals and also sending the message that you are ready to get engaged.
6. Get Your Buddies in on It
You likely have developed mutual friends over the course of your relationship, and they can be a natural and fun way to help drop hints on your behalf. If they are already married, they can easily pop the question on when you two are going to join the ranks. They might also be able to drop more subtle hints, talking about how much love you two have or saying how funny you two will be when you're old farts.
7. Fake a Terrible Illness
This one is not for the faint of heart and it will take some good acting skills. But, if you're already feeling under the weather, this might be a great opportunity to pull out this last stunt. He needs to realize that his future is with you and that you also want to spend the rest of your life with him. On your sick bed, you can get bolder with your hinting. As he is taking care you, mention how you always want him by your side in times like this. Being so sick can remind both of your (whether you are acting or not) that you don't have all the time in the world, and the best thing is to act now.
Now you have all the ammo you need to drop hints and be both creative and light-hearted. Your signals should stick using any of the discussed tactics. Best of luck!
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This is the worst advice to date!
I hope this is satire. it's not very good.
There was a show about a freak who did the faking an illness thing and ended up getting a life sentence in jail for it
Well, this article is quite a fail, to put it lightly.
Or you could just ask him yourself...?
This particular column not my favorite by any means. It manipulatively extreme.
wtf lol
that last one is a horrible !!fake an illness? ladies please don't!
Silly and pointless advice!!
Fake a terrible illness? What an incredibly stupid irresponsible thing to write. You're probably too immature for marriage if you pull a stunt like that
Kristen:This is the worst advice to date!
Fulvia:I hope this is satire. it's not very good.
Maddie:There was a show about a freak who did the faking an illness thing and ended up getting a life sentence in jail for it
Sterre:Well, this article is quite a fail, to put it lightly.
Emilia:Or you could just ask him yourself...?
Amanda:This particular column not my favorite by any means. It manipulatively extreme.
Lori:wtf lol
Liljustine:that last one is a horrible !!fake an illness? ladies please don't!
Sabrina:Silly and pointless advice!!
Megan:Fake a terrible illness? What an incredibly stupid irresponsible thing to write. You're probably too immature for marriage if you pull a stunt like that
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