10 Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend on Your Goodnight Call ...


10 Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend on Your Goodnight Call ...
10 Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend on Your Goodnight Call ...

In an ideal world, you would be able to spend every night snuggling up with your boyfriend in bed, but for lots of couples who live apart, operate long distance, and everything in between, this is a dream for the future rather than the reality of the situation right now. Because of this, late night phone calls become more and more important, with your boyfriend being the last person you want to talk to before going to bed at night. Here are ten cute things to say to your boyfriend on your goodnight call!

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1. Love

It’s an obvious but probably the best one! End the call by telling him that you love him, straight up. Although, if you haven’t said it before, I’d recommend doing it face to face first!

2. Thanks

End things on a sweet note by thanking him for ending your day with a smile. Let him know that you really appreciate the little conversations that you have together.

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3. Longing

Let him know that you wish he was there with you because there’s nothing you want more than to snuggle up with him.


Expressing a deep yearning for his presence can be incredibly touching. Mention how every passing second feels like an eternity when you're apart. Tell him, “I'm counting the moments until I can feel your arms around me, making everything else vanish in the warmth of your embrace. You're the last thought I have before I drift off to dreamland, and oh, how I wish you were here to share these quiet night whispers." These words have the power to bridge any distance, wrapping him in the tender notion of your shared affection.

4. Can’t Sleep

Tell him that you can’t sleep knowing how far away he is, it will make him feel super wanted and loved.

5. Dreams

Let him know that you are talking to him last thing at night because you want nothing more than to have a dream about him. It’s the closest you can get at this point in time!

6. Sing

If you have a nice voice, end the night by singing him a little bit of one of his favourite songs, or a song that means a lot to the two of you.

7. Morning

Tell him that you want his face to be the first one that you see when you wake up every morning, and just because it can’t be that way right now, it’s doesn’t mean it won’t be that way in the future.

8. Heartfelt

Let him know just how much he means to you, and try not to verge into a funny attitude with it. Be super sincere and he will miss you even more than he already did.


Your voice is the last thing I want to hear before I drift off to sleep. Being with you makes every trouble fade away, and remembering your smile is the warm blanket that keeps me cozy through the night. You're not just my love; you're my peace, my solace. I yearn for the moment I can tell you a proper goodnight, face to face, but until then, know that you're cherished beyond words and every beat of my heart whispers your name. Sweet dreams, my love.

9. Listen

Be open to listening to what he has to say, be a good ear for his rave and rants about stuff because it shows you that you are the one he feels most comfortable talking to.

10. Details

Be as detailed as you can when he asks you questions about your day. The more detail you can give him, the more he feels like a part of your life even from a distance away.

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@Moriano lmaooo, same girl.