7 Daydreams Every Girl Has Had about Her Crush ...


7 Daydreams Every Girl Has Had about Her Crush ...
7 Daydreams Every Girl Has Had about Her Crush ...

Don’t be embarrassed, because there are daydreams every girl has had about her crush. Whether you’re daydreaming in class or resting in bed, it’s natural for your mind to wander toward the person you like. Instead of fretting about the future, it’s much more fun to think about the good things that could happen. Even if the scenarios in your head are highly unlikely to happen, don’t feel silly for having them, because they’re daydreams every girl has had about her crush.

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1. Impromptu Kisses

There’s no reason for your crush to rise from his seat, walk over, and kiss you without saying a word, but you’d love for it to happen. It doesn’t have to make sense in your head, so long as it makes you happy. Being kissed by your crush is one of the daydreams every girl has had. I mean, what’s better than the thought of putting your lips against his? Even though you’ve never spoken to him, you like to think that it could happen.


This daydream is a common one among girls, and it often arises when a girl is feeling particularly romantic. It is a way for her to imagine the perfect moment of love, one that is free from expectations and awkwardness. The idea of a spontaneous kiss from her crush is something that can give her butterflies in her stomach and bring a smile to her face. Even though it may never happen in real life, it can still provide her with a moment of joy and excitement. It is a way for her to express her feelings for her crush without actually having to do anything.

2. Response Texts

You spend hours staring at your phone, hoping that he'll text you back soon. You sent him a message, so now you have to daydream about all of his possible responses. Even though he hasn't answered yet, you know what you expect him to say, and have a response ready.


It feels like an eternity each time that little seen sign appears without a follow-up text. Your mind buzzes with imaginary scenarios – the witty banter, the sweet nothings, or perhaps even a casual hint dropping about future plans together. Every ping on your phone sends your heart racing, but it's just your bestie checking in. Still, you’re armed with screenshots, ready to dissect every punctuation mark and emoji he sends back because those can unravel the code to his feelings, right? The waiting is agonizing, but it all seems worth it for that rush when he finally replies.

Frequently asked questions

Absolutely! It’s totally normal to daydream about someone you like. We all do it, and it’s a fun way to pass the time and imagine 'what could be.'

Girls often daydream about all sorts of scenarios - from romantic dates to funny conversations and even future adventures together. It’s all about imagining perfect moments!

Yes, guys definitely daydream about girls they like as well. Everyone has fun imagining being with their crush, no matter the gender!

While daydreaming is totally normal, it's important not to get too lost in it. Make sure it doesn’t stop you from focusing on your daily responsibilities or from meeting and talking to your crush in real life!

Try to balance your thoughts. Setting goals, staying busy with activities you love, and socializing with friends can help. Also, it might help to talk to your crush directly to see if your daydreams align with reality!

3. Saving the Day

Maybe you’re drowning in your daydream, or are somehow stuck in quicksand. Either way, you’re in trouble, and your crush is there to save the day. You grew up watching princesses in distress, so it’s hard not to imagine yourself in the same scenario. As soon as your prince rescues you, you’ll get true love’s kiss, and live happily ever after.


This fantasy could have you literally swept off your feet - just picture it: your hero comes to the rescue, chest puffed out and bravery in his eyes. It’s the ultimate romantic scenario, tapping into every fairy tale you’ve ever adored. Imagine the rush of relief as he extends his hand, pulling you from peril. You’re safe, and it’s all thanks to him. The imminent embrace, a whirlwind of gratitude and newfound adoration, signifies the start of something wonderful. Every saved damsel knows - this is the prelude to a love story for the ages.

4. Going on a Hot Date

Even if he already has a girlfriend, you imagine yourself going on a date with him. It might be realistic, with the two of you seeing a movie and buying dinner. Of course, it could also be magical, with the two of you walking down a beach and riding dolphins into the sunset.


Your mind wanders to picking out the perfect outfit, one that accentuates your best features and makes you feel like the star of the show. As you laugh and share intimate conversations over candlelight, everything else fades away; it's just the two of you in that perfect moment. He leans in, your heart races, and you savor the butterflies in your stomach. It's a scene so vivid you can almost feel his hand gently touching yours across the table, igniting a spark that fuels your daydream long after it's over.

5. A Little Conversation

For some reason, we’ll have conversations in our heads between us and another person, even though it’s about a trivial subject. You might think about what it’s like to discuss your favorite food with your crush, even though there’s nothing special about a conversation like that. It’s just something that goes through your head.


This text is about the common daydreams that girls have about their crushes. It talks about how girls will often have conversations in their heads with their crush, even if the subject is trivial. This article is a great reminder that daydreaming is a normal part of life and can be a fun way to explore your feelings for someone. It also encourages readers to be brave and take the first step in making their daydreams a reality. While daydreams can be fun, it is important to remember to stay grounded and to not get too carried away.

6. Fighting for Your Love

In your daydream, your crush isn’t the only one who likes you, because you’re oh so desirable. He picks a fight with another guy, who doesn’t deserve you, in order to win your love. He likes you so much that he doesn't care who he has to fight to get you.


In this classic knight-in-shining-armor scenario, your heroic crush sweeps in, fists of passion clenched, eyes ablaze with determination to claim his prize - you. The rival suitor doesn't stand a chance as your crush boldly declares his feelings, ready to do whatever it takes to prove his devotion. There's something undeniably flattering about being the center of such intense affection, and in your dreamy reverie, you can't help but feel like the ultimate protagonist in a romantic tale where love knows no bounds.

7. Walking down the Aisle

You’ll only have this daydream if you’re completely and utterly crazy about him. If you can picture him as the father of your children, then you’ll imagine what he’d look like in a suit and tie, beneath an altar, while saying his vows. Would he rather have a beach wedding or stick to a church? Those are the thoughts that plague your mind, because you want your daydream to be realistic.

There's nothing wrong with letting your mind wander, especially when your daydreams make you happy. What do you usually spend time thinking about?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Yea and it hurts when u realize that none of them will come true

LOL!! 7 is fuuuuunny.......

Crushes are crazy, aren't they?! I love them!!

I daydream that somebody is making fun of him, saying that he could never please a girl, and he gets mad. I'm the closest person, and he says sorry (or kiss me, or nothing) and then kisses me, his hand on my hip and the back of my head, gently. But the kiss is oh so 😍, and then I lean into the kiss, and the embrace gets tighter.....and then he walks away, and my peers tease me about it. And that is what I daydream the ice breaker is. 😂 I haven't talked to him yet.

Wow these are so relatable! Hehe :)

Haha so true lol... maybe someday

True but oh so sad

Lol I need to go to Disneyland to have these daydreams! Because it's where "all dreams come true"

All of them are true and am crushing on a shy guy and all i can do i daydream about him