7 Easy Ways to Make Online Dating More Enjoyable ...

By Crystal

Online dating isn't always the most exciting thing. Checking the site every hour to see if anyone's responded gets old quick. It doesn't have to be this way. Believe it or not, there are ways to make online dating more enjoyable. I can't promise it'll always be rainbows and butterflies, but at least it'll be a little more enjoyable instead of feeling like a job.

1 Don't Sit around Waiting

You don't have to be glued to your computer or phone 24/7 once your profile goes live. You'll drive yourself crazy and second guess yourself constantly. Put up your profile, turn email or SMS notifications and walk away. Continue to live your life and have fun. When you consider online dating as an afterthought instead of the one thing your life revolves around, you might actually enjoy it more. When you do get messages, it'll be a fun surprise.

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2 Don't Expect the One

Whether you've only sent out messages or are ready to go on a first date, quell any expectations that this person is the one. It puts way too much pressure on you. If you go into every flirt or date thinking this person has to be your soulmate, the disappointment will quickly overwhelm you. Ask happily married couples who met online. Odds are, they sent out numerous messages, went on dates with multiple people and had their fair share of rejection before meeting that person. Just have fun and leave your expectations behind.

3 Be Honest

One of the biggest things that makes online dating miserable is constantly getting messages or being paired up with the wrong people. You read their profile and instantly realize you have nothing in common with them and they're not anything close to your type. The reason this usually happens is you've gotten creative with your own profile. If you want to enjoy the experience and meet people you might be interested, be honest.

4 Do Something Fun when Rejected

No one likes being turned down. It hurts. Luckily, with online dating, you're not in public, so no one has to know. To deal with this less than enjoyable aspect, make a list of fun activities to do. Pick one off your list each time you're rejected. It'll turn what many would consider a bad day into a good one. After all, if they rejected you, then they're not right for you anyway. This just frees you up to talk to someone new.

5 Blog about Your Experiences

Sometimes the best part of online dating is the stories that come from it. Maybe you couldn't believe what somebody was wearing in their profile picture or what they suggested for a first date. Have fun with it. Start a blog and write about your experiences. Remember to use fake names for anyone you talk about. You can even use a pen name yourself to keep it anonymous. You'll be surprised how much support you get and how many friends you'll make along the way.

6 Fill out Your Entire Profile

It's always fun to get new matches, receive messages and flirt with potential matches. The best way to make the most of this is to fill out your entire profile. This is probably one of the easiest ways to make online dating more enjoyable. The more information you provide, the easier it is for the right people to find you. Of course, you don't have to give out anything too personal, such as your address, phone number, etc. List your interests, dislikes and reason for joining.

7 Join the Right Sites

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of different dating sites. Joining the first one you find without doing any research could just lead to a miserable experience. Take the time to research any dating sites before joining. See what others think about the site. Make certain the site caters to your specific needs. For instance, women in their 20s probably won't be successful on a site for seniors. With the right site, it's always more enjoyable.

Online dating doesn't have to feel like a chore. Think of it as a fun way to meet new people and just enjoy yourself. The more you enjoy it, the easier it'll be to find new dates. How do you make online dating more enjoyable?

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