7 Essential Things to do after a Break up ...

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7 Essential Things to do after a Break up ...

The Internet, your friends, your mom, your colleagues and women’s magazines are all too ready to share their opinions on the things to do after a break up. Getting over a relationship is always going to be hard, even if you were the one who called it a day. You’ve gotten used to doing things together, having someone around and if it was long term, had time to develop habits and a lifestyle. Suddenly being single again is more like a bucket of cold water, because everything is changed in an instant. But there really is no need to drown, especially if you follow these things to do after a break up. Do what works best for you!

1 Make a Clean Break

One of the first things to do after a break up is to clean house. In other words, delete him from your Facebook friends list, erase his number from your cellphone, get rid of all of his e-mails (as well as his e-mail address) and stop following his Twitter account. By doing this, you will eliminate the temptation to communicate with your ex or check up on him, which can lead to further troubles and constant reminders of a relationship that is long gone.

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2 Count on Your Friends and Family for Support

Necessary post-break-up actions should include relying on your close friends and family members to help you get over your broken relationship. Whether you need a girl’s night out, a weekend getaway or just time alone, let them know what you need and they will be more than happy to oblige. Sometimes just venting and having them act as a sounding board is therapeutic in getting over a break up.

3 Try Something New

Immerse yourself in a new hobby or one that you have put off for a while. When you turn your complete attention to something that you truly enjoy, you will spend less time thinking, analyzing and pondering what went wrong in your now deceased relationship. You can find happiness in something you really love doing without wallowing in self-pity or spending every waking moment thinking about what you lost.

4 Don’t Feed Your Self Pity

Allow yourself only fifteen minutes of wallowing and then move on. Whether the relationship ended after five years or five weeks, you are entitled to some “oh poor me” time. One of the essential post-break up things to do is to just get the anger, heartache, sadness and confusion out of the way immediately so that you can move on to bigger and better things. Scream, yell and do whatever you want in those fifteen minutes. Let it serve as a final farewell to your relationship and then start thinking ahead to the future.

5 Hit the Gym

There is nothing like a good sweat to work off all that anxiety and anger you have after you experience a break up. Exercise leads to the release of endorphins which are your feel good hormones. And who does not want to start feeling better—especially after going through a bad break up? Plus, if you make exercise part of your regular routine, you will soon have one hot, new body to show off to everyone. So hit the gym and let those endorphins loose.

6 Take a Trip

The best things to do after a break up are the ones that let you escape from the scene of the crime—so to speak. When you are ready and able to enjoy a vacation, take one. But be sure to go some place with plenty of activities for you to do or places for you to see so you do not spend the entire time sitting in your hotel room feeling lonely and depressed. The purpose of the trip is to enjoy your destination and all it has to offer, and not mope the entire time you are away.

7 Pamper Yourself Crazy

Any girl’s post-break up actions usually include trying some type of physical change like a new hairstyle or a new hair color. But why stop there? Go for a massage, a spa pedicure, a makeover or a totally new fashion style. Whatever it is you want, try it out and see what you like and makes you feel better. Sometimes just the act of trying something new when it comes to your appearance can spark a feeling of rejuvenation.

I know that all of these things seem so hard when your heart is broken and all you want to do is curl up in your jim jams with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, but trust me. There are way better things to do after a break up than console yourself with sweet treats. Action and activity with a purpose is definitely best.

What has worked for you in the past?

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