Face It ... Signs to Help You Realize You're in Love ...


Face It ... Signs to Help You Realize You're in Love ...
Face It ... Signs to Help You Realize You're in Love ...

Are you ready to admit you’re in love? Are you facing the reality that you might well have met the person you want to spend the rest of your life with? It’s time to face up to the fact you are in love. If you’re seeing or experiencing any of the following, I’m happy to say girl, you’ve fallen for him. It’s love, actually.

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1. You Get the Songs

You Get the Songs All of a sudden, all of the love songs that you used to think were cheesy are starting to make sense to you!

2. Kissing Selfies!

Kissing Selfies! All of those kissing couple selfies that used to make you roll your eyes are now starting to seem more and more tempting to pose for with your new love!

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3. Their Flaws Don’t Annoy You

Their Flaws Don’t Annoy You All of those little things that you were almost certain would start to annoy you over time? Surprise! They don’t annoy you at all because you have fallen hard!

4. You Think about Them Constantly

You Think about Them Constantly If you find it hard to go more than five minutes of the day without thinking about them, then you have definitely caught the love bug.

5. You Share Emotions

You Share Emotions If you find that you are sad when they are sad and you are happy when they are happy, it’s common for two people in love to over empathise with one another.

6. Face Morph!

Face Morph! You know those smartphone apps where you can morph your faces together to see what your baby would look like? Yep, that is an activity for two 100% lovebirds!

7. You Prefer Their Company

You Prefer Their Company A sure sign that you have fallen in love with this person is when you find that you would prefer to spend a night in with them instead of a night out with friends.

8. Fights Don’t Mean a Breakup

Fights Don’t Mean a Breakup A true sign of two people madly in love is that you can have a big argument without automatically assuming that the relationship is over.

9. You Don’t Need to Make an Effort Every Day

You Don’t Need to Make an Effort Every Day If you can feel 100% comfortable wearing no makeup and a pair of sweats around them, then you know it’s more than just ‘dating’.

10. You Don’t Care about Your Ex

You Don’t Care about Your Ex If you are truly in love, then you won’t give a damn about what your ex is getting up to every other day.

11. Your Priorities Have Changed

Your Priorities Have Changed A sign of being in love is when you start to reprioritise certain hobbies in order to be able to spend more time with your partner.

12. You’ve Learnt to Compromise

You’ve Learnt to Compromise Learning to compromise is key to realising you are in love, because when you’re in love, it’s a two way street!

13. Nicknames

Nicknames If you have already developed cute and embarrassing nicknames for each other, then you are definitely on the love train!

14. You Talk about Them Non-Stop

You Talk about Them Non-Stop It doesn’t matter what the conversation was about, a person in love with always manage to get a mention of their partner in there.

15. Better Self-Worth

Better Self-Worth A tell tale sign of being in love is that the person actually makes you feel much better about yourself.

16. You Get Childish around Them

You Get Childish around Them But in a good way. You love making each other laugh and do silly things to bring a smile to each other’s face

17. Unexpected

Unexpected If the person you are with is nothing like the kind of person you imagined you’d end up with, but for some reason it works, that reason is called love!

18. Trust

Trust A truly loving relationship is built on trust, so if you trust them implicitly, it’s because you are madly in love.

19. They Changed Your Perception

They Changed Your Perception If up till now you were one of those “there is no such thing as true love” people, the only thing that can have changed your mind is indeed true love itself!

20. Buying Gifts Becomes Easy

Buying Gifts Becomes Easy Buying birthday and Christmas gifts is suddenly the easiest thing in the world, because you know them inside out.

21. You Miss Him 10 Minutes after Leaving Him

You Miss Him 10 Minutes after Leaving Him You’ve spent all day or an evening together yet you’re bereft not long after you leave each other to go home.

22. They Know All Your Favourites

They Know All Your Favourites They know all your favourite movies, shows, and music because when you are in love, you listen and retain all information!

23. You’re Not Worried about the Future

You’re Not Worried about the Future All of a sudden you don’t have any worries about the future, because as long as they are with you, you can handle anything.

24. You Get Silly when Asked about Them

You Get Silly when Asked about Them You try but you just can’t find the words to explain how you feel.

25. You Have to Start and End the Day with Them

You Have to Start and End the Day with Them He is the first person you call when you wake up, and last person you talk to when you’re ready to hit the sack.

Well sweetie? Are you?

Are you in love?


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Ahhhhhh ♥️♥️♥️

@Harley good. If he asked you out for v day, that's great!

I don't want to admit it but I am in love and he has no idea 😍💔

I'm not in love but this was a sweet read. 

Ya, i think i am.

It's so good to be reminded of these things.

yes indeed! i'm forever in love! 😍

The girl in the title pic looks 10

All of them for one year now

I got most of these so yeah I am