Forever Alone? How to Stay Optimistic when You've Been Single Your Whole Life ...


Are you sick of being single? Well, stop joking around about how you're forever alone, because the right guy will come along eventually. If you're starting to question whether the Glenn to your Maggie actually exists, here are a few tips on staying optimistic when you've been single you're entire life:

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1. Learn Vicariously

It stinks when all of your friends started dating in middle school, and you're still single years down the line. But think of all the heartbreak they've endured. Meanwhile, you've been learning what type of guys you like and dislike by watching their situations, and by judging your own crushes. Even though it hurts to like someone who doesn't like you back, it's even worse to get dumped by someone you really loved. So you should be happy you've been learning what you want without having to go through the intense heartbreak your friends have gone through.

2. You're More You

It's dangerous to date when you're young, because you still don't know exactly who you are and are far less confident. When you're a kid, it's easy to fall for any guy who looks your way. However, when you're older, you'll realize that you deserve respect, and that you shouldn't settle for any old guy. The bright side to not dating until you're older is that you'll deal with a lot less scumbags.

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3. Timing is Everything

Timing is important. If you met the love of your life five years ago, when you acted completely different than you do now, the relationship wouldn't have worked out. There's a time and a place to meet your true love, and it's once you've finally become the person you were meant to be.

4. Modify That Bucket List

If finding a boyfriend is the only thing on your bucket list, it's easy to get frustrated over being single. That's why you need to set goals for yourself that have nothing to do with relationships. Focus on getting your dream job or on purchasing a puppy of your very own.

5. The Ultimate Victor

One of the great things about being single for such a long time is that you'll be jumping with joy when you finally meet your soulmate. Women who have dated their whole lives won't appreciate a successful relationship as much as you will, which means that you'll ultimately be happier than any of them. In the end, you win!

6. Look around You

Whenever you feel inferior due to your single status, take a look around you. Your aunt is the nicest person you've ever met and she's not married. Your BFF is the cutest girl in school and she's single, too. So stop assuming that you're single due to your lack of lovability. There are plenty of amazing women who are in your same position.

7. It's Not You

The most important thing to remember is that it's not your fault you're still single. You aren't any less beautiful or sweet than your friends who have been dating for years. You just haven't found the right guy yet. It's better to wait years for your prince than to kiss dozens of frogs, anyway.

It doesn't matter how many years it takes you to land your first kiss or date, because experience won't matter when you find the right one for you. Do you hate being single, or have you gotten used to it?

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This is the best advice I have ever read about being single!

This post is to the point! I've been single all my life 24years, not dated anyone or had my first kiss. At times I do sometimes think that there must be something wrong with me etc that I've not dated anyone and it does kinda bring me down. But on the plus side I don't have to explain myself of I'm doing and who with etc. I don't have to worry about letting my friends down either. Tbh I had been really down thinking about why I was still single but came to conclusion that if its meant to be then it will be, if not then I can't force something to happen when it's not written. But I have always been reassured by my friends and family that there is someone out there for me and hopefully will come to me at the right time. But for now I'm enjoying life and appreciating the people I have in my life such as my family and friends who love me, my real blessings :) x

Just a reminder that someone will find the right guy or gal! Always good to be inclusive :)

This made my day. Thank you. 😊

Hmmm its true that as a woman when you are single it isnt necessarily your fault but the longer you are single,the less intolerable you can also be. also so many women expect too much and since their expectations are unrealistic so it is best to either go for what you want or not at all or you go in slow meet men be accessible as in friendly,go out more or koin a club just do things and you will meet people. nothing wrong with living the single life but if you honestly want to be out of singledom then you need to get out there.

@bindi so right I been there never again

People always tell me that I'm single bcs of my attitude. But never tell me in details. I've no idea what's wrong but sometimes I enjoy being single while my friends always fight with their bf and break up

Yeah nice write up

This is a valuable post and a kind thought. Thank you.

I hate being single but this opened my eyes a lot and made me feel better about it!