8 Fun Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy ...


Here are 8 fun ways to announce your pregnancy. I hope they inspire you to come up with even more ways to surprise your friends and family and let them know about your bundle on its way!

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Take Cupcakes to Work

Decorate them with blue and/or pink frosting with a big ‘positive’ sign on top of each cupcake. The plus sign lets people know you are positively pregnant and everyone gets to enjoy a treat on your behalf. You could also bake a cake and decorate it with a baby theme on top, such as a stork carrying a bundle, a picture of a baby wrapped in a blanket, or stick a pacifier and a baby rattle on top of the cake.


Put an Infant Car Seat in the Back of Your Vehicle

Won’t you partner be surprised when he opens the back door of the car and finds a car seat strapped in place. You could even put a card in the seat that says something to the tune of ‘Congrats, Daddy-to-be’.


Position Baby Items around the House

Set a bottle of baby shampoo in the shower, put a baby toothbrush in the holder alongside the adult toothbrushes, place a sippy cup in the cabinet with the coffee mugs, and add a set of baby towels and wash clothes to the linen closet. If this doesn’t grab his attention, I don’t know what will!


Movie Night

Rent a couple of movies with a baby-theme to watch when you pop the news to your friends. There are plenty of movies that revolve around child birth that are humorous, endearing, or both. You can wait to see if your friends will get the hint from the movie selection or if you need to break the news to them after watching a movie or two.


Figure in a College Fund into the Budget

If you and your partner sit down and figure the budget together, then why not toss in a section labeled ‘College Fund’ and see if he notices. You could also put a piggy bank on his desk or dresser and label it with the words ‘Diaper Fund’ if you think this might catch his eye sooner.

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Invite Friends and Family over for a Surprise Dinner

Don’t make it any old dinner, create a baby-themed dinner; baby carrots, baby ears of corn, baby back ribs, etc. Or you might try placing a jar of baby food in the middle of each person’s plate under a fancy cover of some sort. When they each pull off the linen napkin or silver dish, the baby food will be noticed right away. Once everyone has their jar of baby food revealed, I’m sure they’ll get the hint!


Notify the Family with a Fun Email

You could put the subject heading as ‘Birthdays’ and let everyone know you are making sure you have a correct list of birthdays in your records. You can then offer a list of your family’s birthdates for them and list the last birthday as ‘Baby’ with your due date out to the side.


Make a Shopping List

Send your man on a grocery run and give him a nice lengthy list. Most guys don’t check the list before they head out the door, so be sure to hide words like ‘diapers’ and ‘baby shampoo’ in the middle of the list. You can always put pickles and ice cream on the list to and make sure they are side-by-side.

Can you think of anything else to add to this list of 8 fun ways to announce your pregnancy?

Top Photo Credit: paulafunnell

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I know a couple of fun ways to announce pregnancies. A friend of mine told her husband she was pregnant by giving him baby clothes for his birthday. My best friend's sister announced it by giving her husband a father's day card with an ultra sound in it.

one of my friends made a facebook page for her son-to-be and sent all of the non-family on her list friend requests to announce to friends. i thought that was cool. she said she actually called family members and told them (which is nice), but i thought that was a fun way of announcing it to her friends! i of course accepted her baby's friend request :P

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