7 Good Things about a Bad Date ...

By Sarah

7 Good Things about a Bad Date ...

If you left feeling deflated from a recent date, here are 7 good things about a bad date that will help you put a positive spin on any date horrors. You have probably already heard the saying that you have to kiss a few frogs before you meet Prince Charming, and it’s totally true. Not everyone can be lucky enough to find their dream man on their first ever date, so for the rest of us we have to keep putting ourselves out there until our prince finds us. But the trick is not to get disheartened by Mr.Wrong, who refused to pay, turned up in sportswear and had something stuck in his teeth - I kid you not there is something to take away from every terrible date. Here are 7 good things about a bad date.

1 Practice Makes Perfect

For most of us girls a first date can be a little bit daunting and nerve wracking. The man of your dreams is sitting in front of you and suddenly you are overwhelmed with excitement and completely unable to string a sentence together. One of the good things about a bad date is that it lets you go through the motions and practice your dating skills without the pressure of needing it to go perfectly. Just like with job interviews, after a bit of practice you will start to relax, and be your normal confident self, so that when you meet a nice guy you won’t garble your words and trip up.

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2 Great Stories

The best thing about a bad date is it can provide you with witty fun stories to tell your mates. Once you’ve dried off your tears about the disaster, you will have your whole office at work laughing at how terrible it was. The more tragic the date, the juicier the story. A comical bad date story can last a lifetime!

3 Perspective

So you sign up to an online dating website and begin to go on dates with a few new men and see what else is out there… but it turns out you spend your dates wishing you were back with and ex or simply tucked up in bed in your pyjamas. The great thing about a bad date is it can bring some fresh perspective on what you want in a relationship and what is important to you. Maybe your new date is a lot better looking than your ex but less fun to be with? Whatever the trouble with your date it will help you reassess what you want, who knows maybe you might even be happy on your own for a while?

4 New Places

Your date looks a bit too similar to Fred Flintstone and from the get go you have decided he is simply not for you. This doesn’t mean you still can’t have some fun. Some of the best dates I have been on have been with strangers simply because they have taken me to jaw-dropping locations, or secret restaurants only known to locals. Going on dates gets you out of your comfort zone but in return you may get taken to see some hidden gems.

5 The Friend Zone

Now I know this isn’t ideal but on your search to find a husband you accidently stumble upon a guy with a shared passion that could just been a new BFF. Going on dates will undoubtedly throw you into the path of lots of new people, and just because someone isn’t suitable to date doesn’t mean he wouldn’t make a great climbing partner or gig buddy. So before you toss the new guy into the trash, perhaps there is something to salvage?

6 Get out There

Rather than twiddling your thumbs at home or watching re-runs of X-Factor, the good thing about a bad date is that it got you out of the house. This one may seem controversial, but lets be honest even if the evening didn’t pan out as you wanted it too you did something new and different that will be far more memorable than watching another trashy chick-flick. Instead of staring at the screen, be your own romantic heroine.

7 So You Know

Drum roll for the finale: the greatest thing about a few bad dates is that when you finally meet a great guy you won’t hesitate to try and make it work. You will already know about the other fish in the pond, and so when a great date happens you will naturally come across as enthusiastic and excited and things will just fall into place.

When it comes to dating there is nothing wrong with a few bumps in the road. Dating can be an exhilarating fun journey that introduces you to new people and places. Don’t reflect on a bad date as a failure, but instead compile it in your repertoire of funny stories and know that you are one step closer to knowing your dream man when he finally turns up to the party.

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