17 Habits of Healthy Couples All Relationships Should Have ...

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17 Habits of Healthy Couples All Relationships Should Have ...

Unhealthy relationships never last long. That's why both you and your partner need to put in effort to keep things running smoothly. Not sure how to do that? Here are a few habits that healthy couples have:

1 They Eat Meals Together

Unless your work schedules conflict, you should eat dinner together every single night. That way, you'll have a chance to catch up with each other.

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2 They Divide the Housework

You're equals, which means you should be doing an equal amount of work around the house. One person shouldn't be forced to do it all.

3 They Tell Each Other Everything

It doesn't really matter what you ate for lunch, but you should tell your partner, anyway. The little things are what keep your connection strong.

4 They Get Close to Each Other’s Friends

If your partner's friends are your friends, it'll be easier for you all to hang out. Life is always better when everybody gets along.

5 They Go on Dates Every Week

It doesn't matter how long you two have been together. You should continue to go out on dates every week, or at least every month. It'll keep your relationship strong.

6 They Talk through Their Issues

Whenever you're angry at your man, you should tell him how you feel. Bottling up your emotions will only cause trouble down the line.

7 They Don’t Argue in Public

If you have something to say to your partner, you should say it in private. Fighting in public will only make you two look crazy. Keep your private life private.

8 They Tell Each Other Where They're Going

Your partner shouldn't be out and about without your knowledge. You two should always tell each other where you're going.

9 They’re Interested in Each Others Hobbies

Healthy couples would never make fun of each other. They're supportive, not critical.

10 They Take Turns Making Decisions

You should alternate between who gets to pick the movie and who gets to pick the restaurant. It's only fair.

11 They Take Responsibility for Their Actions

If you make a mistake, you should own up to it. Apologize, so that the two of you can move on and grow from the experience.

12 They Never Keep Secrets

Even if you're embarrassed to tell your man you lost your job or flunked a test, you'll still tell him. You should never lie to him or hide anything from him.

13 They Only Have Sex when They Both Want It

Consent is important, even when you're in a relationship. You two should never have sex when only one of you is in the mood. You need to be on the same page before anything frisky happens.

14 They Laugh Together

Your boyfriend should double as your best friend. Couples that can laugh together tend to stay together longer.

15 They Share Everything They Have

When you marry a man, you'll share your money, your house, and your bed. Of course, you should also share your thoughts.

16 They Make Decisions Together

Healthy couples won't make major life decisions without consulting each other. They'll sit down and talk before they come to a conclusion.

17 They Put Each Other First

If you genuinely love someone, you'll care more about their well being than your own. That's why long-lasting couples always put each other first.

If you want your boyfriend to become the man you marry, make sure you adopt these habits of healthy couples. Do you and your man already do these things?

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