How to Get out of a Bad Relationship ...


Dating is hard. Being in a relationship is really difficult. I've been with my now wife for almost nine years and sometimes, your relationship is like your job; sometimes you love it, sometimes you hate it. If you are in the wrong type of relationship but have absolutely no idea how to get out of it, there is a way. Not all relationships work out girls. It's okay to say that you've had enough and that it isn't for you. Take a look at my 7 tips on how to get out of a bad relationship and gain your life back!

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Don't Just Be 'Comfortable'

How many times have you heard 'I'm just so comfortable' in your relationship versus you actually love being in a relationship? You don't ever just want to be comfortable in your relationship. You want to still have the ability to surprise one another … and if you don't, that's one surefire way to know that you've got to get out of this bad relationship.


Never Settle for Less than You Are Worth

Oh, this is a big one. Never, ever settle for less than what you are worth – ever. You have a worth. You are beautiful and amazing and you need someone that is going to make you feel like that. If you are with someone that makes you feel less than that, that doesn't light up your world, get out of that relationship and move on!


Excuses, Excuses, Excuses – Why Keep Making Them?

'But we've been together for so long.' 'I love his family.' 'It would be awkward to see them again at work.' These are all excuses that you should not keep making. Break up with them if the only reason you two are together is because you've been together for so long!


Abuse Shouldn't Ever Be Tolerated. Ever

Abuse is something that a lot of people struggle with in relationships. If there is physical abuse, if there is emotional abuse, if there is name calling, why are you with that person? Girls, there has to be another person out there that is going to treat you right. Remember #2; you have to make sure that you are with someone that will treat you like you are worth diamonds.


He's Not Going to Change

It's funny how when you get into a relationship, you think that everything is going to be perfect – if only they would change one thing. He's not going to change. No matter how hard you try to change him, he isn't going to. He has to change for himself, not for anyone else.

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You're Not Going to Change

The same goes for you. You can try so hard to change, but girls, you probably aren't going to. It's hard to change for someone else. You have to want to change for yourself. If you find that you can't change for yourself, you need to find someone that can be with you for you.


Love Yourself before Loving Someone else

Finally, love yourself. You've GOT to love yourself before you love anyone else. This is by far the most important point. If you don't love yourself, how are you going to be able to love someone else? It isn't going to work.

Well, there you have it: all of the different bad relationships out there and what you might want to look out for. So, have you been in a bad relationship? How did you get out of it?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Sometimes it IS BEST to throw the lit match & burn the bridge! Do it for your own sanity & peace of mind.

Recently got out of an awful relationship. I cared for him wholeheartedly whereas he wouldn't give me the time of day. Not only was I emotionally taken advantage of, but also physically/sexually as well. Even though I'm the one that chose to leave (better late than never, but I still wish I'd done it sooner) it still hurts just because of all the things he put me through :(

Been with my husband for 18 years, he has a "friend" at work, he refuses to give her up. The emotional abuse is too much to bear, I have to get my self confidence back (it's been shredded) and learn to love myself again and find my independence. I and my kids are worth it! We have a bright future, someone who says they love you should never ever constantly torture you like this. One day, everything will be ok. On my own. Scarey but will be worth the peace of mind

one has to work at their relationship and sometimes it is hard. But be sure to be happy and enjoy your relationship and if it isn't really working move on.

Thank you for this article! I just got out of a year long relationship that should of ended a while ago. It has been so hard on me but I know at the end of the day it was the right thing. Thank you for these great words!

love this!

Thank you Heather for this article!

Very recently left a horrible relationship. Spent two years arguing, breaking up and getting back together. Self esteem is shot. Friends are exhausted now hours spent at counselling. 80:20 ratio in favour of bad times. It's so so very hard to leave when you feel like you've put so much emotion into it. But sometimes it's best to quit while your ahead. Take some time. It they are meant to be they will still be there, waiting for you.

This is the right things to do,tnx for this article:)

this is seriously amazing! ❤️

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