How to Get over a FuckBoy ...

By Natalie3 Comments

How to Get over a FuckBoy ...

Been there. Done that. And now you're wondering how to get over a fuckboy.

We have ALL been there. At least, many of us. Including myself.

Whether your fuckboy was a friend with benefits or some random hookup or some dude who you thought was into you but sort of kind of was not…

It is okay. You will be OKAY. Rather than focusing on the downfall of things not working out with your dude, your energy should go elsewhere—as cliché as it sounds, you need healthier ways of coping.

Here how to get over a fuckboy and turn this into a positive result:

1 Stop Searching

blond, human hair color, girl, socialite, long hair,One of the best ways to get over a fuckboy is to quick searching. I think this is one of the most common aspects when it comes to “finding the one.” I do not know about you, but times I find myself “looking” for my so called Mr. Right. I've notices that my energy can come off as misleading to a guy. To me, looking seems to be a form of distraction because it is, often, coming off as forced and not natural. It is also okay to not be looking for a relationship and stay single for a bit. Take time for yourself and I find moments when I am focused on, as cliché as it might sound, improving myself as a person more satisfying because it will attract other passionate and driven people, including guys who share similar priorities.


Continuing with this mindset is vital in maintaining peace. Trust the journey; allow connections to unfold organically. Embracing your solitude empowers you, and it's during these periods of self-reflection and personal growth that you develop the strength to ward off any unworthy attention. Remember, the right person often comes along when you're not actively searching. By investing in your interests and ambitions, you create a life rich with purpose - a life that the right person would be privileged to be a part of. So focus on you, because self-improvement is the best revenge.

Frequently asked questions

2 Take a Solo Vacay

A trip with the girls is always needed, but most of us know where those are headed when one of the girls in the group is about to get hitched or who has just been dumped—getting laid or some sort of action or flat out partying the nights away. Being alone gives you a chance to recover your own way. There are just moments in life when taking a mini getaway solo is best. You will be amazed with the experiences you will have and discover more about yourself as a person.

3 Write about It

This does not necessarily mean to write and get it published, but there are other outlets to go to if you want something a bit more private, like a journal or diary. Or, if you do want something a bit more exclusive, you could go the Word Press blogger or Tumblr way. Sometimes putting it down into words helps with closure and justice.

4 Pick up a New Hobby

Take a class at your local community college, whether it's educational or on the arts side. If you are not a gym member, for financial or other reasons, get outside and pick up walking, running, or hiking. It is truly amazing what some fresh air can do.

5 Treat Yo’ Self

If you are short on the cash side, you can always visit the local hole in the wall shops around your hood and do some window shopping. Get a mani and/or pedi, a massage, or check out that thrift shop you have always wanted to go to and stroll the aisles for awhile. Recommendation: keep your phone out of sight and take a technology breather.

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