How to Make Him Chase You after a Breakup ...

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How to Make Him Chase You after a Breakup ...

Going through a breakup doesn't mean your feelings just disappear along with all the outward trappings of your relationship. Love isn't a faucet – you can't turn it on or off at will. It doesn't matter who broke up with whom, either, and even the reason for the breakup doesn't always matter – sometimes you want your ex to chase you. It may be because you aren't ready to give up on the relationship, because you just can't let go, or because you want your ex to want you even if you don't want him or her anymore. Whatever the case, here's how to get your ex to chase you after a breakup.

1 Contact? Nope! You Better Not Reach out 📞

clothing, hair, hairstyle, photography, dress,I know, this probably seems like the exact opposite of what you should do, right? If you're trying to make him chase you, don't you need to stay in touch? No, no way, absolutely not! You have to make yourself scarce, you have to act like you don't want to talk to your ex at all. Resist the urge to reach out at all costs!


The key to making your ex chase you after a breakup is to make yourself scarce and not reach out to him. You have to act like you don't care if he reaches out to you or not. This may seem counterintuitive, but it is actually the best way to get him to come chasing after you. By not reaching out, you create a sense of mystery and intrigue that will make your ex want to come to you. This strategy is especially effective if you focus on self-improvement and take time to focus on yourself. Make sure to take time to focus on your hobbies, passions, and goals. By doing this, you will become more attractive and desirable in the eyes of your ex, and he will be more likely to come chasing after you.

Frequently asked questions

2 Become a Bit Unavailable to Him if He Does Reach out 🙅

Definitely don't make yourself seem too available. It's too easy to take that for granted – you don't want your ex thinking that you just spend all your time waiting around, hoping to hear from him, do you? You don't have to be completely color or distant, and you don't have to turn down every invitation to talk or get together, but absolutely make yourself a little unavailable. Use your judgment!


If your ex reaches out, become a bit unavailable to him. Don't make yourself seem too available or desperate as it can be taken for granted. Show that you have an independent life and don't spend all your time waiting for him. Respond to his invitations to talk or get together, but make yourself a little unavailable. Be confident and don’t be afraid to let him know that you’re doing fine without him. Show him that you’re strong and that you don’t need him to be happy. This will make him curious and he will want to know more about you.

3 Build up Your Social Life Quite a Bit 👱👱👱

You really can't sit around waiting to hear from your ex, though. After all, if you want him to chase you, then you kind of have to be going somewhere, right? Reinvigorate your social life! Hang out with friends, get drinks after work, go dancing, meet new people – and don't hide it, either! Besides, the distraction of a full, busy social life might make you decide you actually don't want him anymore.


After a breakup, it can be hard to know how to make him chase you. One way to make him take notice is to build up your social life. Make plans with friends, go out and meet new people, and don't be afraid to show that you're having a good time. This will show your ex that you're not sitting around waiting for him, and you may even find that the distraction of a full social life helps you to move on. Plus, if he sees you having fun with other people, he may be more inclined to pursue you.

4 Wait a While to Text Him Back 📱

Don't feel the need to text back right away every time he messages you. This also serves to help make you seem unavailable. Odds are your ex will wonder what's taking you so long, what kept you so busy that you couldn't text back, and that's exactly what you want!


If you want to make your ex chase you after a breakup, you should wait a while to text him back. This will make you seem more unavailable and will make him wonder what you're up to. You can also use this time to focus on yourself and do things that make you happy. This will help you to become more confident and attractive, which will make him want to pursue you even more. Additionally, avoid talking about the breakup and instead focus on positive topics that will make him feel good. This will make him think of you in a positive light and will make him more likely to pursue you.

5 Once He Does Reach out? Snap Him Something Sexy and Cute 📷

Don't do it all the time – can't have your ex getting used to it, right? The idea is to send a tempting, teasing pic that's kind of casually flirtatious – nothing too serious in either direction, basically. You definitely want him thinking about you, though, and this is a foolproof way to make that happen!


Once he does reach out, it's important to keep the conversation light and flirty. Sending him a sexy and cute picture is a great way to keep him interested and thinking about you. However, it's important not to overdo it and flood his inbox with pictures. Send the occasional photo that is both teasing and flirtatious, but not too serious. This is a great way to make him chase you after a breakup and start to rekindle the relationship.

6 Passive Aggressive Sharing via Facebook if You Are Friends 💻

It sounds immature, I know, but it's a surefire tactic. You don't want to be too obvious, you don't want to do it too often, and you don't want to be annoying about it, but sharing photos and updates about your active social life isn't exactly a bad thing. It's especially effective if you have mutual friends.


If you're trying to make your ex chase you after a breakup, passive aggressive sharing on Facebook can be an effective tactic. It's important to not be too obvious, and to not do it too often, as this can be annoying. Try to share photos and updates about your active social life, especially if you have mutual friends. This will show your ex that you're doing well and having fun without them, and may make them more interested in getting back together. It's also important to make sure you're not coming off as bitter or resentful, as this may have the opposite effect.

7 Be Yourself, He'll Miss You 👸

Who wouldn't? You're amazing and beautiful and wonderful – so you need to remember one thing. If it turns out your ex doesn't miss you and doesn't appreciate who you are, maybe you should find someone more deserving – someone who doesn't need to chase you, someone who doesn't make you want to run.

Have you ever gotten an ex to chase you and come back to you? Were you happy the second time around?

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