How to Tell if He's a Good Guy or a Bad Boy ...


How to Tell  if He's a Good Guy or a Bad Boy ...
How to Tell  if He's a Good Guy or a Bad Boy ...

It's not hard to tell the difference between a good guy and a bad guy. All you have to do is take a close look at his personality. Here are a few ways to tell the difference between a good guy and a bad boy:

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1. Does He Ask for Nudes?

Does He Ask for Nudes? A good guy wouldn't ask you for nudes, especially before he starts calling you his girlfriend. If he wants sexual favors from you, but won't date you, he's a bad boy.

2. Does He Always Turn the Conversation Sexual?

Does He Always Turn the Conversation Sexual? A good guy won't steer the conversation toward sex when you're having a pleasant chat about your pets. Meanwhile, a bad boy will find a way to turn anything and everything dirty.


If you're discussing your favorite books or movies, a decent chap respects the topic and your comfort level. He listens attentively and contributes thoughtfully, keeping the vibe respectful. In contrast, a bad boy might ignore the boundaries and turn the dialogue into a minefield of innuendos. You might start feeling like every conversation is a game with the end goal of flirting or making suggestive comments. It's all about reading the room, and a good guy understands that there's a time and place for everything, while a bad boy often does not.

Frequently asked questions

3. Does He Only Compliment Your Looks?

Does He Only Compliment Your Looks? A good guy will compliment you on your brain as well as your body. But a bad boy will only care about what's on the outside.

4. Does He Flirt with Everyone You Know?

face, black and white, person, photography, man, A good guy won't flirt with anyone else once he sets his sights on you. Meanwhile, bad boys can't be tied down, which is why they'll flirt with every woman they meet.

5. Does He Want to Date?

Does He Want to Date? Good guys will ask you out on "real" dates in order to get to know you. Bad boys will tell you they don't believe in labels and then ask you over to Netflix and chill.

6. Is He Mean to Strangers?

Is He Mean to Strangers? Good guys will treat their waiters as well as they treat you. Bad boys will treat everyone like they're inferior.

7. Does He Make Plans at the Last Second?

black and white, person, photography, monochrome photography, monochrome, A good guy will plan out your date a week in advance. A bad boy will invite you over at the last second.

8. Does He Lie to Impress You?

black, facial expression, face, white, black and white, A good guy will tell you the truth, even when it's hard to hear. A bad boy will lie about his job, his hobbies, and his intentions in order to get laid.

9. Does He Have Any Goals?

Does He Have Any Goals? A good guy has goals for his future. A bad boy lives in the moment and doesn't care about what the future holds.

10. Does He Offer to Pay?

Does He Offer to Pay? A good guy will offer to pay for your meal or at least split the bill with you. A bad boy won't even reach for the check.


While the gesture of paying is a classic display of chivalry, it isn’t just about the money—it’s about the thought and respect behind the action. If he insists on footing the bill, take note; it suggests a level of care and consideration. Conversely, a man unwilling to part with a few dollars for your dinner date might reveal a deeper lack of generosity or interest. Ultimately, you want someone who values you and your time together, and sometimes, that might just show up in the check-paying dance at the end of a meal.

11. Does He Stare in the Mirror?

Does He Stare in the Mirror? A good guy knows that his personality is the most important thing. A bad boy will only care about his looks.

12. Is He Sexist?

Is He Sexist? A good guy will treat you like an equal. A bad boy will think that a woman's place is in the kitchen.

13. Does He Brag about His Conquests?

Does He Brag about His Conquests? A good guy won't tell all of his friends about your sex life. A bad boy will brag to everyone about all of the women he's bedded.

14. Does He Introduce You as His Girlfriend?

Does He Introduce You as His Girlfriend? A good guy will introduce you to his family as his girlfriend. A bad boy won't even let you near his family.


When a man is proud of his relationship with you, he won't hesitate to label it in the company of those closest to him. Meeting the family is a significant milestone, and if he openly calls you his girlfriend, it shows a commitment and a desire to integrate you into the important aspects of his life. However, if he's vague about your status or avoids the introduction altogether, it might be a red flag indicating his reluctance to fully invest in the relationship. Pay close attention to this when you're gauging where you stand with him.

15. Does He Send You Dick Pics?

Does He Send You Dick Pics? A good guy will ask if you want to see provocative pictures before he sends them. A bad boy will send them without asking.

16. Does He Go to the Strip Club?

Does He Go to the Strip Club? A good guy wouldn't dream of going to a strip club. A bad boy spends plenty of time there.

17. Does He Call All of His Exes Crazy?

Does He Call All of His Exes Crazy? A good guy will speak respectfully about his exes. A bad boy will call them all crazy.

You don't want to end up dating someone unhealthy for you. Are you crushing on a good guy or a bad boy?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Bad boys don't go to the strip club because they don't need to. Good guys get embarrassed by it. Strip clubs are for lonely losers with no game.

Yes it's G-Dragon

Yes. He did. Stupid jerk

Greekjojo- Chace Crawford 😍😛

Right Chiggy, maybe he just wants to make sure he looks good for YOU! 🙃

Hilarious. Pretty dead on

Nice article#

Other than staring at the mirror everything was a non match ..

Some of these are true and some aren't...I'm not sure I agree 100%.

Love it