I'll Take the 5.99 Love Combo Please ...

By Christopher

I'll Take the 5.99 Love Combo Please ...

How many times have you driven up to or walked into a fast food restaurant, and ordered the number 7 combo or burger value meal? You know, you get a sandwich, a regular fry and a huge fountain drink to wash it all down. We buy it cause it’s a little cheaper and you get what you were craving anyway.

What about relationships? Have you found the right combo? Like the fast food combo, you get a little bit of everything you wanted. It is not exactly a home cooked meal, but when it comes to love, nobody is perfect.

You often hear about one of your girlfriends or some frustrated love seeker, with some eight-page checklist of everything she wants in a man. I can tell you, like many of us who have witnessed human nature first hand, nobody is perfect. There is no perfect man or women.

It’s fine to have expectations. Without them, men would never wash their underwear. But, let’s look at who is not perfect, yet is perfect for you.

When you meet someone, you have to ask, “Am I attracted to him? Is he a good man? Is he hard working on the job and in bed, etc.?” There are other issues, like is he an a-hole? Is he abusive? Does he like and want kids? Does he smoke? Is he smoking hot? The questions are endless depending on one’s taste.

The harder question is, what are you willing to put up with? Let’s say he makes good money, but he has a beer gut. What if he has been divorced three times, but the two of you have magic? Is he a keeper or a leaver? What if he is broke, but breaks your back in bed? You can’t have everything ladies! And, neither can men!

Let’s face it, fast food is never perfect and neither are the people we fall for. With all the grease, salt, fat, heart attacks, and heartbreak, people still get into relationships. Is your choice a good combo? Does he come with fries or a diamond onion ring? McDonald’s stopped selling Orange Hi-C, are you willing to drink a Coke instead? Is he super-size? Or, just the right size? Is he slick like fast food grease, or humble like apple pie? What’s your dollar menu deal breaker? You decide for yourself what is your last relationship straw, no “bun” intended.

Basically, relationships are a choice. And, because nobody is perfect, you have to let a few things go. That is, in order to get a few things, you do want. Are you perfect? Of course, you are… and when you find a man that’s perfect, you let everybody know. Because, I’m telling you right now, you are gonna need some of those fast food napkins to dry your tears when you find out just how perfect he really is!

Until then, remember… True Love covers a lot of flaws; Including yours. Good luck!



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