Impress Your Boyfriend with These New Kissing Techniques ...


Impress Your Boyfriend with These New Kissing Techniques ...
Impress Your Boyfriend with These New Kissing Techniques ...

You won't believe how many things you can do with your lips! You've probably developed a routine with your boyfriend where you kiss each other the same way whenever you meet. However, there are plenty of ways to spice things up. Here are a few of the sexiest kissing techniques that you should try out on your boyfriend:

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1. Triangle Kiss

This is a perfect form of foreplay, but it's still innocent enough to do in public. Start off by giving him a sensual kiss on the lips, then press your lips against his cheek, then his neck, then back to his lips. By the time you reach his lips the second time, you should notice him take the passion up a notch. Just make sure that you don't rush through each kiss, because the slower you go, the sexier it'll feel.


It's essential not to neglect the power of anticipation. Gently graze your lips over his, building the tension but denying a full kiss for just a moment longer. Let your breath skim across his skin, which can send shivers down his spine and heighten his sense of excitement. When you finally allow your lips to meet his again, the desire you've stoked might just overflow, turning a tender moment into a blaze of passion. Remember, teasing can be an exquisite prelude to a deeper connection.

2. Teasing Kiss

It's time to take your teasing to the next level. When you're talking to your boyfriend, preferably about how much you love him, get so close that your lips brush up against his when you speak. That should get him to go in for a kiss, but your job is to pull away before that happens. Keep the teasing going for a little while to build sexual tension, so that when you finally let him kiss you, it feels like fireworks.


The key here is to play it coy and flirtatious. Gaze into his eyes with a mischevious glint and whisper sweet nothings, but when he leans in, playfully dodge his lips, leaving him wanting more. This will not only heighten his anticipation, but also showcase your playful side. Remember to giggle softly, letting him know it's all in good fun. When the moment feels right, finally give in with a passionate kiss that will leave both of you breathless, making the wait absolutely worth it.

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3. French Kiss Twist

You don't always have to use the same technique when you French kiss. Instead of swirling your tongue around his mouth like you usually do, you can dart it in and out of his mouth. Of course, the best technique is to alternate between swirling and darting. You want to keep him on his toes.

4. Light Nibbles

You don't want to chomp down on your man like you're digging into Ben & Jerry's. You just want to gently bite down on his lip when you pull away from your kiss. You could even nibble on another body part, like his ear. Ears are actually super sensitive, so the sensation should drive him nuts.


In addition to gently biting on your partner's lip or ear, you can also try lightly nibbling on their neck or collarbone. These areas are also highly sensitive and can enhance the overall sensation of the kiss. It's important to remember to keep the pressure light and gentle, as too much biting can be uncomfortable or even painful for your partner. Experiment with different levels of pressure and see what your partner responds to best. Remember, communication is key in any relationship, so don't be afraid to ask your partner what they enjoy and what they don't.

5. Slight Sucking

You don't want to give him a hickey, because he'll have a lot of explaining to do at work or school. However, that doesn't mean you're not allowed to suck on his neck. As long as you don't do it too hard or for too long, you won't leave a mark. Remember that you can also suck on his bottom lip during a kiss (or on his fingers if you want to get extra frisky).

6. Ticklish Kiss

Try tickling your boyfriend's lip with the tip of your tongue. The light touch should make him shudder, and it'll also let him know that you're ready to start French kissing again. It's a great move to use at the start of your make-out session.

7. Non-Kisses

Not all kisses have to be super sexual. There are sweet ones, like eskimo kisses and butterfly kisses. An eskimo kiss requires you two to rub your noses together, and a butterfly kiss involves batting your eyelashes against the other person's skin.

Your boyfriend will love feeling your lips, no matter what technique you use. Of course, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to spice up your boring routine. The more versatile you are, the better. So what's your favorite type of kiss?

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Good ones

all of them 😍

My boyfriend's ears are so sensitive he goes crazy

Oh perfect, I needed this - was thinking today that I'm not feeling the flirty lately so maybe I'll get the ball rolling again with my man ;)

Lol! All!

Awesome I'll be using these today on my boyfriend :D

light nibbles and teasing 💓