17 Ultra Intense Dates to Try if You're Adventurous ...

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17 Ultra Intense Dates to Try if You're Adventurous ...

You don't have to go to dinner and the movies every weekend. You can do something a little more intense. That way, you'll have something to brag about to your friends. If you're ready to try something brand new, here are a few intense dates for adventurous women to try:

1 Go Bungee Jumping

Go Bungee JumpingIf you have nerves of steel, then you should give this a try. As long as you pick a legitimate place, then you should be safe.

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2 Go Skydiving

Jumping out of a plane will give you the thrill of a lifetime. The best part? While you're falling, you'll get to see the Earth from a whole new point of view.

3 Try Crossfit

If you've ever seen someone do CrossFit, you know how intense it is. If you two are ready for a challenge, then this is the perfect one.

4 Visit the Shooting Range

If you aren't a fan of guns, then you can try archery instead. It's a little safer.

5 Take a Hot Air Balloon Ride

This doesn't take any skill. All it takes is bravery. You have that, don't you?

6 Climb a Mountain

If you two are hardcore athletes, then you can climb a mountain together. How many couples can say that they've done that?

7 Ride a Motorcycle

If you have a motorcycle license, then you might as well ride around town together. It'll be a sexy little adventure.

8 Ride a Jetski

You don't have to ride a jetski alone. You can sit on the back of one and hold onto your boyfriend's hot body while he steers.

9 Go Water Skiing

The weather is getting warmer. That's why this is a great date idea!

10 Play Laser Tag

This will be a fun way to get your blood pumping. Of course, if you want to take it up a notch, you can go play paintball instead.

11 Go on a Ghost Tour

If you both believe in ghosts, then you can take a ghost tour. You might end up seeing something supernatural.

12 Swim with the Dolphins

Take a trip to a tropical island. Then go scuba diving or swim with the dolphins.

13 Walk through a Cave

There are cave tours you can take with your boyfriend. You'll be with a guide, so it won't be as scary as it sounds.

14 Go Camping

This will give you a chance to put your electronics down and enjoy nature. It'll also give you the chance to have sex outdoors!

15 Swim in a Waterfall

If you can find a beautiful waterfall to visit, then you might as well swim in it. If you have enough privacy, you can even try skinny dipping.

16 Go Zip Lining

As long as you aren't afraid of heights, then this shouldn't be all that scary. Find a zip lining park and buy tickets ASAP.

17 Go Snowboarding

You two can stay at a ski lodge and sit by the fireplace for most of the night. You only have to spend a few hours out in the snow, snowboarding or skiing.

Now you have a bunch of once in a lifetime date ideas to try when you're feeling bold. Which one of these adventurous dates are you actually willing to try?

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