10 Lifesaving Tips for Girls Who Pick Sucky Guys as Boyfriends ...

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10 Lifesaving Tips for Girls Who Pick Sucky Guys as Boyfriends ...

Unfortunately, the heart wants what the heart wants. It doesn't bother to consult your head to see if it's actually a good idea. That's why some of us have such horrible taste in men and always end up miserable. Of course, it doesn't have to be that way. Here are a few lifesaving dating tips for girls with bad taste in boys:

1 Realize You Deserve Better

You might have bad taste in boys, because you think you belong with someone horrible. However, that's just not true. You'd make an amazing girlfriend. That's why you should be with the best of the best. If you start thinking of yourself as someone who deserves true love from a respectful man, then you'll find yourself crushing on better men in the future.

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2 Go for Someone You Usually Wouldn’t Go for

If you always end up with jerks, then you need to switch things up. Instead of accepting dates from the same type of men that you usually go out with, accept the invitation you received from the boy you aren't all that attracted to. Who knows? If you go out with him, you might end up realizing that he's sexier and sweeter than the men you're used to seeing.

3 Look for Men in New Places

If you always find men on a certain dating site, and they always turn out to be jerks, then you should stop using that dating site. Either try using a new site or try going to the mall to search for men. If you go to new places, you'll find new types of people--and new is exactly what you need right now.

4 Ask Your Friends to Set You up

Most people dread the thought of being set up, but it might actually work out for you. After all, you love and trust your friends, don't you? They wouldn't introduce you to someone unhealthy. They'd only introduce you to men that deserve to be with you. So you might want to give a blind date a shot.

5 Think before You Agree to Go out with Someone

Don't be too impulsive. If you're sick of ending up with bad boys, then stop kissing strangers at parties and going out with every man that asks you out. Think before you make a move. If you use your brain along with your heart, then you'll end up happier than you've ever been before.

6 Pay Attention to Their Personality as Much as Their Looks

Don't get so caught up with the way a man's hair looks that you forget to pay attention to the way he treats you. If you do that, you'll end up with another jerk. You need to do your best to ignore what he looks like and focus on what he acts like. After all, personality matters the most.

7 Don’t Fall for Anyone Who Gives You Attention

You shouldn't agree to date the first person who gives you a little bit of attention. Have higher standards! Wait until you find a man who's truly worth your time.

8 Make a List of Criteria

Not necessarily literally-although you can if you want-but make a list of criteria, a pro and con list of sorts. Things you no longer want in a boyfriend and things you do. That way, when you're getting swept up in things, you can refer to your list and see if he fits. If not, kick him to the curb before you get in too deep!

9 Be Okay with Being Single

A lot of times, we tend to settle with anyone-especially the bad ones-because we're lonely. Don't allow yourself to do that. Be content with being single and the type to treat you right will come along quicker than you think.

10 Look at YoUrself

When you sit down to figure out why you attract the wrong guys, look at yourself. If you're the type to put yourself out there ALL.THE.WAY on the first date, then you're probably not going to attract the best guys. If you're immature, desperate, needy, or looking for a sugar daddy, you probably won't attract good guys then either. Take a look at how you are in relationships before you get into another one.

You might have bad taste in boys, but that doesn't mean that you're destined to end up with someone horrible. You can find a man who deserves you. Do you have bad taste in boys?

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