7 Love Lessons from Penguins ...

By Kati20 Comments

7 Love Lessons from Penguins ...

Okay, so if you think about it, the idea of taking love lessons from penguins might seem a little crazy. It seems humans and penguins have much more in common than you might expect, though; the Chinstrap, Emperor, Adelie and Gentoo types specifically. Here’s the top love lessons from penguins you should learn from our favorite Antarctica species!

1 Communication is Key…

Communication is Key…You could fill a whole library with books on how to communicate, but the facts are simple. Penguins talk and chatter to each other all the time, just like humans. And through talking about things -- everything from the football scores to what to have for tea to the more serious things -- they keep close. Communication is at the heart of every good relationship. Keep it alive, and it’ll keep your relationship alive. It’s one of the absolute best love lessons from penguins!

Frequently asked questions

2 Be Responsible…

Penguins have distinct life stages. They require complete care as eggs, and as chicks, they need a lot of care and attention. As they grow, they learn to spread their wings, and be responsible and productive. For penguins, that means learning which nests you shouldn’t steal twigs from, what predators to avoid and where the best breeding grounds are. Humans are the same. Be grown up, and responsible.

3 Appreciate Your Support Network…

Penguins aren’t islands. They spend a large amount of time with their partner, and are only really separated when they have big responsibilities, like hunting food in the winter. They take frequent trips with their extended families, and spend a lot of time with other penguin families. They build a huge, integrated support network for themselves, and that’s a great thing to do whatever species you are.

4 Be Expressive…

Penguins are thought to express their emotions frequently; the cry that has been identified as an “I love you” type call is loud, and can be heard throughout the day. Wearing your heart on your sleeve might seem risky, but it promotes confidence in the relationship, and knowing that you are loved is very reassuring. You’ll feel much more secure in an expressive relationship, so give it a try, and tell the people you love how you feel.

5 Look after Yourself…

Even when the waters are freezing, penguins clean themselves. They are always grooming themselves, each other and their children, and they bathe a lot! They even race each other into the water. Take care of yourself, and you’ll keep your own self confidence high, which will make you feel like a million dollars. It’s far too easy to give up on an exercise regime or swap out your healthy eating habits when you are loved up, but you’ll feel much happier with yourself if you keep them going!

6 Be Faithful…

Okay, so it’s very simplistic to think that humans should be like penguins, who pick mates early and are monogamous to that mate for their entire lifetime, but the concept is still a good one. Pick mates carefully, and only date people you can see yourself spending your life with. If you do decide to split, do it cleanly and fairly, and don’t cheat. It makes life much simpler.

7 Enjoy Life, and Love…

One of the most famous love lessons from penguins is to stop and smell the roses every once in a while. Penguins are always gathering up to see where they’ve come from, and look at where they are going. Their ability to frequently admire life and each other gives them that lovely happy-go-lucky personality that they are known for, and let's face it, penguins have it tough. When was the last time you stopped just to admire what you have?

Some of these love lessons from penguins may seem simple, but look at the evidence: penguins are happy, cute and adorable. They’ve survived generations, despite bitter winters and deadly predators, and they capture the hearts of any human who plays with them. Try living life their way for a while, and see what a difference it makes. You might be surprised! Do you know an animal-related love lesson? I’d love to here it!

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