7 Loyal Traits You Need in a Mate ...

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If you want to be a part of a long lasting relationship, you need to find a loyal partner. That way, you won't have to worry about whether or not he'll hurt you, because you'll know that you're the most important woman in his life. Of course, you should return the favor by being just as loyal to him as he is to you. In order to do that, first you have to find a mate with these important traits:

1 He Won’t Cheat

Cheating is incredibly disrespectful. It's not only a sign that your partner isn't satisfied with your relationship, but it also shows that he doesn't care about your feelings. That's why you need to be with a man who would never dream of cheating on you. Try to stay away from the flirts whose intentions you'll constantly question. Find a man who loves you and only you, someone who wouldn't run off with even the prettiest girl who approached him.

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2 He Won't Lie

A loyal man won't lie to you about where he's going or what time he has to work. He won't hide things from you either, whether it's the passcode to his phone or the memories of his past. He'll love and respect you enough to tell you the truth, even when he knows that you won't be happy with what he has to say.

3 He'll Stick up for You

If one of his friends makes a rude comment about you, will he defend you or let it slide? You don't want him to start unnecessary arguments, but you do want him to protect you when someone crosses the line. It shows that he cares about you and won't let anyone treat you poorly, because he knows you deserve the best treatment.

4 He'll Choose You over Everyone else

You don't want him to drop all of his friends, just because he has a girlfriend now. However, if he has to choose between watching a football game with his pals or taking you on a special date for your anniversary, you should come out on top. If you agree to be in a relationship, you have to be ready to put your partner first.

5 He'll Always Be There for You

A loyal man will be there for you when you're at your lowest point. Even if he's uncomfortable when you cry, he'll stick by your side and will comfort you the best he can. He's not only around during the good days. He's there for all the dark days, too.

6 He Won't Be Mean behind Your Back

You don't want to be with someone who's sweet to your face, but complains about you every time your back is turned. If your friends have heard him talking badly about you when you're not around, then something is wrong. If you find out what they're saying is true, your man isn't acting as loyal as he should be.

7 He Won't Take Advantage of You

Your man shouldn't try to pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do. If he takes advantage of you sexually or emotionally, then he's not the one for you. You need to be with someone who respects your morals, your opinions, and your decisions.

You deserve to be with someone who would never dream of hurting you. Does your man possess all of these loyal traits?

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