18 Things Mature Women Never do when in a Relationship ...


18 Things Mature Women Never do when in a Relationship ...
18 Things Mature Women Never do when in a Relationship ...

Dating when you are a mature woman iis hard, you have expectations, you have demands, you know what you want. There are also some things that you'd never, ever consider doing or things that you currently aren't doing – like finding yourself. If you're a mature woman that is slipping into the dating field, some of these gifs below are oh-so-relatable!

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1. They Understand the Need to Put Themselves First Sometimes


2. They Understand It's Okay to Be Just a Hint Slutty


Frequently asked questions

3. Drama Isn't Their Thing. at All

facial expression,face,eyebrow,person,nose,

4. They Admit when They Are Hurt and It's Okay, They Know How to Deal with It


5. They Aren't 'finding Themselves', They Know Who They Are


6. Facebook Stalking? Eh, No


7. They like Phone Calls, Not Text Messages


8. Clubs Don't Mix


9. They Aren't Going to Change Who They Are for a Man

black and white,person,monochrome photography,monochrome,long hair,

10. Why Would They?


11. If They Are Bored, You'll Know It

screenshot,fictional character,You're,talking,but,

12. They Want Commitment and a Relationship


13. They Might Run from the Sweet and Cute

black and white,black,photography,monochrome photography,monochrome,

14. Adult Sleepovers Are a Thing


15. They Want All-consuming Love

person,brown hair,blond,mouth,long hair,

16. Their past Might Creep up, Just like Yours


17. Sometimes, Just Sometimes, They Want to Get Laid and That's It


18. This is Really All They Want …

human hair color,hair,blond,clothing,lingerie,

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Yeah exactly!

Although i do hate stalking

This could use a better title

Like in the title, I assumed it was what not to do, but the info makes it sound like things that we do....

I can relate just by the stalking.

I wonder if a 20 year old wrote this.

I can relate to this

My ex and I are back together after 28 years!He has changed a lot for the better!!!!So glad

I dont understand thé kind and cute boy thing. I just cant stand badboy because, u know, I love myself

I love this!