21 Must-Know Tips on How to Be a Good Kisser ...


21 Must-Know Tips on How to Be a Good Kisser ...
21 Must-Know Tips on How to Be a Good Kisser ...

Learning how to be a good kisser can be daunting, especially if you haven't even been kissed yet! Well ladies, I've got the low-down on what men like and how to be a good kisser naturally! So, take a look at the top 10 tips on how to be a good kisser!

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1. Good Breath

The first tip all revolves around how you taste and what you smell like. When you're about to start kissing a guy, you want to make sure that your breath smells awesome. So girls, pop a mint before you get down to making out, it'll make all of the difference in the world!

2. Moist Lips

Whether you are in a serious making out situation or just kissing for the first time, you want to make sure that your lips are completely moisturized! For me, a coat of lip gloss always does the trick or you could even try slicking on some chapstick too. Trust me, learning how to be a good kisser starts with how your lips feel!

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3. Closed Eyes

Kissing with your eyes closed doesn't mean that you are fantasizing about someone else, it actually is just a way for you to let your lips take over. Learning how to be a good kisser is not just about how your lips feel, it's all about the senses and filling yourself up with the other person. Try kissing with your eyes closed, it's actually awesome!

4. Position

One of the biggest challenges when you are first learning how to be a good kisser is positioning yourself correctly right? I know that I had a hard time when I first started to kiss! Well ladies, just make sure to follow his lead and I promise, you'll be fine! Also, don't forget about using your hands!


Positioning is an important aspect when it comes to kissing, especially for beginners. It can be intimidating to know where to place yourself and how to follow your partner's lead. However, it's important to remember that communication and following their lead is key. Additionally, using your hands can add an extra level of intimacy and passion to the kiss. Don't be afraid to gently touch their face, run your fingers through their hair, or hold their hand. These small gestures can enhance the experience and show your partner that you are fully engaged in the moment.

5. Add Pressure

Now, I'm not saying that a kiss should be 100% pressure-filled and rough, but adding in a little bit of pressure to a kiss can make it that much more passionate and deeper! So, the next time you are kissing, see what happens when you deepen it and even take a step closer. I swear it'll blow his mind a little!


Adding pressure to a kiss can increase the intensity and passion between two people. It can be a subtle way to show your desire and deepen the connection. However, it is important to remember that everyone has their own preference when it comes to pressure in a kiss, so make sure to communicate with your partner and pay attention to their cues. Adding pressure can also be a way to lead into a more passionate makeout session, so don't be afraid to experiment and see what works for you and your partner.

6. Technique

Everyone has their own technique when it comes to kissing. What this means is that you'll have to figure out yours, when you start to kiss. Whether it is to suck on their lower lip, or give soft little nibbles – it can be anything!

7. Close-Mouthed

When you are first learning how to be a good kisser, the first thing that you'll probably end up doing is kissing closed-mouthed. For me, these kisses are always so passionate and tentative, as if you are kissing for the first time ever. When you're kissing close-mouthed, you can still use your tongue and also your teeth, but be gentle!


Close-mouthed kissing, also known as "pecking" or "lip-locking," is a common starting point for many people when learning how to be a good kisser. It allows for a more tentative and passionate experience, similar to a first kiss. However, it's important to remember to be gentle and not use too much force with your tongue or teeth. This type of kissing can also be a great way to build anticipation and increase the intensity of the kiss. As you become more comfortable and confident with your kissing skills, you can experiment with different techniques and levels of intensity.

8. Use Your Hands

Remember what I said up there about positioning? Well, that involves using your hands as well! Your hands could be in his hair, on his neck or even around his waist. Make sure that you use your hands to pull him in closer and also to keep him close!


Using your hands while kissing can add an extra level of intimacy and passion to the experience. It allows you to physically guide your partner and show them how much you are enjoying the kiss. Your hands can also be used to explore your partner's body, adding to the overall sensation. Additionally, using your hands to caress your partner's face can be a romantic gesture that can deepen the connection between you. Just remember to always be gentle and respectful of your partner's boundaries while using your hands during a kiss.

9. Explore with Tongue

Finally ladies, when you move past the close-mouthed kissing and into the french kissing, explore a little with your tongue! There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be able to taste your guy completely with your tongue. Trust me, your guy will love it and go wild every time you do it!

10. Connect with Your Partner

To me, kissing is a very personal thing. It's letting someone into your space, letting someone near you enough to kiss you. That means that you've got to connect with that person. If there is no connection, why would you kiss them?

11. Initiate

You can't be a good kisser unless you're brave enough to kiss someone. It's understandable if you don't want to initiate a first kiss, but if you're in a relationship with someone, you can't always wait for them to initiate. You have to do the work occasionally.

12. Breathe

Pausing between kisses can feel natural. So don't kiss them for so long that you lose your breath and have to push them away to catch it again. Make sure you pause between every few kisses to avoid an embarrassing moment.

13. Let Them Lead

If you want to make sure you're giving your partner everything they need, let them take the lead. If they slip their tongue into your mouth, then you can do the same. If they keep giving you closed mouth kisses, then keep it at that.

14. Variation

You don't want to be repetitive. If you are, things can get boring fast. Alternate from kissing their bottom lip to kissing their top lip. Switch from holding their face with your hand to caressing their thigh. Just don't let things get stale.

15. Smell Good

Your lips aren't the only important part of kissing. There are other factors that contribute to the perfect kiss. Make sure that you're wearing a perfume or deodorant that smells delicious. It also helps to wear something adorable, so that you're nice to look at.

16. Pace

Don't jump right into a heavy make-out session. Let it build up by taking things slow at first, and then move on to more passionate kisses. It's more exciting when the sexual tension has time to build.

17. Location

It's hard to have a perfect kiss in a bathroom stall. It'll be more romantic if you go to a secluded location that makes you both feel comfortable. While your lips are pressed together, you won't be paying much attention to your surroundings, but nice scenery can never hurt.

18. Little Nibbles

When you pull away from a kiss, you can always suck on your partner's lip or gently bite it. During the moments you're stuck between kisses, feel free to open your eyes to admire the view.


Another great way to add some variety to your kissing technique is by incorporating little nibbles. This can be done by gently biting your partner's lips or sucking on them during moments when you're not fully engaged in a kiss. It's a subtle but effective way to keep the passion going and show your partner that you're fully invested in the moment. Plus, taking a quick peek at your partner during these moments can also add a playful and flirtatious element to your kissing. Just remember to keep the nibbles gentle and not too aggressive to avoid any discomfort for your partner.

19. Pay Attention

Everyone has different likes and dislikes, so you should pay close attention to what your partner likes. The things your ex enjoyed aren't necessarily the same things that your new man will enjoy, so don't be afraid to make changes.

20. Let Mouth Wander

The lips aren't the only spot where you should place kisses. You can always move down to the neck and shoulder blades. Do whatever your partner is comfortable with.

21. Relax

The best way to be a good kisser is to relax. You don't want to be sweaty and shaky while you're touching your partner. Stop worrying about every little move you make. You need to relax so that you can enjoy the moment.

Learning how to be a good kisser just takes a little practice and some time! All of these tips and tricks should help if you are new at kissing, but what are some of the other ways on how to be a good kisser? Got anymore tips? Share 'em!

This article was written in collaboration with editor Holly Riordan.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

i think u shouldnt put on lipgloss before kissing he might taste it and it might be nasty

My bf likes to go straight into the french kissing, but I like when you start with just long closed mouth kissing and slowly go into the french kissing. I'm not quite sure what to do and I don't want to be mean, but everytime we start kissing I feel like I'm kissing a cow!

What do you mean by putting pressure like how would i do that?

I 100% agree about moist lips, however, I would like to say that i have been told by guy friends (and well boyfriends) that they do not like lip gloss its sticky and idk they just dont like it, so i would stick with chapstick! good luck ladies : )

How do I get my guy to be more gentle? He gets heated up and passionate really soon, which isn't a bad thing. But I want to take my time while kissing and try out more stuff. But I don't know how to get him to do this! Any ideas?