Never Use These 17 Words during a Fight with Your Man ...


Never Use These 17 Words during a Fight with Your Man ...
Never Use These 17 Words during a Fight with Your Man ...

You need to treat your man with respect, even when you're pissed at him. It's hard to do, but it's certainly possible if you know how to handle yourself. Here are a few words that you should never use when you're in the middle of a fight with your man:

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1. Fault

Fault You don't want to place blame. Even if he's the only one who did anything wrong, you still don't want to treat him like he's some sort of criminal.

2. Goodbye

Goodbye You shouldn't break up with him after one little fight. You shouldn't leave to stay the night at your ex's house, either. Think before you say your goodbyes.

Frequently asked questions

3. Idiot

Idiot You shouldn't resort to name calling, even if he's acting like a complete idiot. There are nicer ways for you to phrase things.

4. Wrong

person, interaction, romance, Don't flat-out say that he's wrong, even if it's the truth. It'll just set him off. Instead, explain why he's wrong as calmly as you can.

5. (curses)

(curses) Even if you aren't cursing at him, you should try to avoid using curse words while you explain why you're angry. They'll make you sound much more intense than you want to sound.

6. Always/never

Always/never Don't say that he never does anything for you. "Never" is a strong word, and it'll be easy for him to argue against the accusation.

7. Hate

Hate Don't tell him that you hate him. You know you don't mean it, but he might be fooled into believing it's the truth.

8. (ex's Name)

(ex's Name) Unless you two are fighting about an ex, there's no reason for you to bring your exes up. If you say you wish your man were more like your ex, then you're asking for a breakup.

9. Whatever

Whatever If he tells you why he's upset with you, be respectful by listening to him. If you say, "whatever" and brush it off like it's no big deal, you're only going to upset him more.

10. Don’t Care

human hair color, hair, blond, person, mouth, If your man is speaking, then you should care. His feelings should matter to you more than anything.

11. Mother

Mother There's no reason to bring your parents or his parents into the fight. If you say something nasty about his family, he's never going to forget it.

12. Liar

color, photograph, black, image, snapshot, No one likes to be called a liar. If you accuse him of cheating or lying, expect him to fly off the handle.

13. Chill

Chill If you tell him to calm down, it's only going to make him angrier. It's ironic, but that phrase never helps in the middle of an argument.

14. Kill

Kill Don't threaten to kill him or to kill yourself. There's no reason to bring violence into the equation.

15. I Don’t Know

I Don’t Know If he asks you why you did something mean to him, don't tell him that you don't know why you did it. That's not an acceptable answer.

16. Divorce

Divorce Don't threaten him with a divorce or a breakup, just to get your way. You should play fair.

17. (nothing)

(nothing) You don't want to stay silent during a fight. If you just let him yell at you, and don't try to come to a compromise with him, then your issues will never be resolved.

Unless you want to cause a breakup, you should watch the way you talk to your partner, even when you're pissed. What other words do you avoid using when you're fighting with your man?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Even when your husband cheated on you with your Marriage Counselor for a year and a half, and you found out almost two weeks ago, and he has not groveled enough?

I've used them all

I hate cuss words, but I used a whole ton this week, after my husband told me about another woman being in his heart, I was crying to my husband about this, and my husband was giving the silent treatment so I used cuss words!

He said disrespectful things about my Mom several times, and she didn't deserve that. Last week, my husband, told me " don't call my Father and tell him about this. " For the first time, I said, " Why? Your Father would probably egg you on. ", because his father cheated on his Mother.

Nah man, if you're pissed about something, don't worry about not "acting like a lady". Say what you mean, no matter what it is. Both people should be treated with respect, if respect is earned.

I dont like this article it should b for both sides not only "FOR UR MEN" it means they have right to do so

Thank you for this article!I avoid calling him an Adulterer.

My husband admitted his lies and I caught him in almost all of them. His lies were so obvious, and if he told me " I am a toaster " or  " I am a household appliance " or " I am a Elephant. ". I was tired of him lying to me so I did finally call him a liar more than once last week, I don't remember calling him that before.

IF RESPECT IS EARNED is the operant term here. Very rarely in an argument does anyone EARN respect.

I agree.