9 Played-out Messages in Online Dating ...

By Heather

9 Played-out Messages in Online Dating ...

Online dating isn't always easy is it. It's hard to put yourself out there, to really see if you can connect with someone online. This is especially true when a guy sends you back one of the most online dating played-out messages ever! If you are trying online dating and looking for Mr. Right, I've got the top 9 played-out and overused messages ever! Check 'em out!

1 ‘You’re Hot’

No duh right? I know that I'm hot, but how about we try to use another word. How about trying beautiful? Or maybe even complimenting me on my eyes, lips, nose? Guys, 'You're Hot' is absolutely one of the most overused online dating messages out there. Come up with a new line okay?

Frequently asked questions

2 ‘What Are You Looking for?’

What am I looking for in a man? In a career? In life? Be more specific! This is not a conversation starter and it's actually kind of creepy. For me, if a guy sent me this message, I don't think that I'd actually answer it. What about you ladies?

3 ‘What do You like to do?’

How about you ask some more open ended questions guys, maybe even offer up some of your own things that you like to do to see if the girl will match your interests. For me, this is totally played-out and shouldn't be used in any online dating messages at all!

4 ‘I Have a Girlfriend but …’

If you have a girlfriend or are married, why are you going about online dating again? Online dating is serious business and a lot of girls truly are looking for Mr. Right. So if you have a girlfriend or you are married, don't try to date online!

5 ‘Call Me’

Now, I'm an old-school type of girl and I think that the guy, at first, should call the girl. Truthfully, that's probably just me, but something about this line rubs me the wrong way. It's almost as if the guy has a ton of girls he's talking to and he just wants to see which one will take the bait.

6 ‘You’d Be so Lucky to Have a Date with Me’

No, it's the other way around, you'd be so lucky to have me! A guy who says something like this seems so full of himself, he almost seems like a narcissist guy doesn't he? If a guy says this to you, it might be time to close out that chat and move onto another guy.

7 ‘I Wud Totes Luv 2 No U’

If you can't spell, I'm sorry, you can't get near me. It really doesn't take that much effort to sound intelligent and spell words out whenever you are trying to coax a woman online into liking you. What is this guy going to be like in real life? Is he going to 'text' spell out his wedding vows? Definitely not my type!

8 ‘What’re You Doing This Week/weekend?’

If you are looking to ask a girl out, why not ask her about a specific day? For me, this – is an okay message, it's just that it is so vague. What do you ladies think? Do you think that this message is played-out?

9 ‘Hi’

Because you can't come up with something else? I think that a great conversation starter should be more than 'hi'. That could just be me though. What do you guys think?

So, there you have it! Online dating is never easy, especially when you are trying to find a real connection. So ladies, what online dating messages have you gotten that were funny or generic? Share 'em!

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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