7 Positive Things about a Long Distance Relationship ...


Believe it or not, there are a few positive things about a long distance relationship. Let's face it ladies, as much as you love your man, being apart can break a relationship. Having spent the first three years of my current relationship apart, and the next three years living together, I feel that I’ve learnt a few positive things about a long distance relationship that may help you get through it!

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1. Friendship

The foundation of any solid relationship is a strong friendship, and this is one of the positive things about a long distance relationship. If you can’t see each other face to face for a few weeks, you are forced to get to know each other as friends much quicker than you would otherwise. What I mean by this is the physicality and the physical attraction doesn’t get all attention and you learn much quicker if you’re compatible.

2. Communication

Being long distance opens the lines of communication which can only be a positive thing. Now of course, not all communication is good, and this will inevitably include some blazing rows (and don’t I know it!) But once again, not being face to face forces you to talk things through beyond the heat of the moment, be if on the phone, in written form or even Skype.

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3. Keeps It Fresh

Despite all the frustrations of missing your man, being long distance can keep it fresh. Those butterflies in your stomach for the first few months are one of the best parts of a new relationship – and, in a way, long distance maintains this! Every time you meet, that excitement of those first few dates happens all over again. On the flip side, the nerves can also come back, but again – isn't that part of the fun?

4. Trust

This probably should have appeared first on my list as it is such an important part of a relationship and it’s only enhanced by distance. Too often, couples who become conjoined from day one fall into the trap of mistrust. We all know of couples who check each other’s phones, emails, social media and so on. (Sidebar – would you read someone’s diary? I’m not sure how someone’s personal conversations are any different…) A good thing about long distance relationships is that you can’t possibly know exactly what your man is up to and where he is or who he’s talking to all the time and you both have the freedom and the right to live your own lives. If you’re happy with this you have trust! And when the distance is no longer an issue, this trust and respect for each other’s right continues long after. Yay!

5. "Distance" is a Cop out

If your relationship means enough, you work for it. I don’t believe in flogging a dead horse, but if your relationship is that important, you don’t fall at the first hurdle either. I always think if "distance" is stated as a reason for a break up, it’s probably a cop-out and the relationship wasn't right. This is a good thing – no one should be in a relationship because of habit, and this cop-out may save a lot of tears in the future!

6. Best of Both Worlds

Being long distance allows you to have the best of both worlds – the security of a relationship and the freedom of being single. You have the freedom to go out with your friends, follow your career, go weeks without shaving your legs…But you can also pick up the phone for a giggle, have romantic weekends and have that confidence that a relationship gives you.

7. Cooling off

When it comes to flying off the handle and saying things in a temper, I am guilty as charged. Whilst many of our long distance blow-ups came from the stress of missing each other, miscommunication and not being able to read body language - distance was also a saving grace. Where face to face I’d perhaps sulk or strop (I’m not all bad, honest!) when long distance, I was forced to take time to contemplate.

Whilst I myself have said that I wouldn't seek to enter into a long distance relationship again, I do think that ours works because of the 7 points stated above. Don’t give up hope when the distance gets the best of you. The light at the end of the tunnel is worth the journey! I hope these points have been of help – do you have any positive things about a long distance relationship to share?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I'm currently 'seeing how things go' with an ex frm over 20yrs ago...long distance! We're abt 3hrs away n spent our first wknd together recently, which felt like we picked up where we left off. I'm hoping for the best either way n not expecting a fantasy romance...I'm taking things one visit at a time! This article was very informative!

I've been dating my boyfriend for 6 months. He had really bad commitment issues but I rang the new year in with him giving me the commitment that I wanted and I'm so incredibly happy. He lives all the way across the country in California and I in virginia. People said it wouldn't last but we've lasted half a year so far. He's my bestfriend. He forgot it was my birthday but before the night was up he said a simple "happy birthday". Only because I reminded him. I hurt him a few days before my birthday and the fact that he was even speaking to me was a miracle. We fight a lot over sometimes stupid things. Sometimes not. We go a few days without talking and then we make up. The fights brought us so much closer

I am in the same position as you Amanda. With mine we have set goals for the future but because it required him to work more to save to come to me its been less time together and i hardly hear from him. Im scared and doing what i can in keeping busy. He has assured me he still loves me and nothing has changed but i can't help but to think other wise.

I've been talking to a guy for about two months now that I've met over an app (so bizarre, I know!). He lives an hour and a half away but speaking to him every night, texting as much as we could, face timing, and keeping each other updated with every detail of our lives makes me feel really close to him. He drove to visit me for the first time last night, and that was our first date ☺️. Distance definitely feeds a big spark because it just shows how much effort they would make for you when they close that gap. I've never dealt with distance before but this boy has me feeling great about it. Amazing article by the way!

My boyfriend just got done with going to jib corps where I still attend he's not far from where I am but it's really hard on me cause I'm use to seeing him everyday he's moving back in the area but I feel as if it's going to still be the same since he's been gone I rarely see or even talk to him will it get easier??

I recently ended a 15 year marriage and the guy I'm dating now is perfect in every way....everything I want in a man. But I think I have a problem...I get upset at him for the little stupid things. He says he loves me and won't leave but I feel I'm pushing him away. What do I do?

So so true!!!