7 Positive Things to Take from a Break-up ...


7 Positive Things to Take from a Break-up ...
7 Positive Things to Take from a Break-up ...

Positive things to take from a break-up, you say? I don’t think so! What good can possibly come out of a break-up? Well, I didn’t think anything could – but time and perspective will soon make you think differently. Let’s be honest – everyone knows break-ups are just horrible, whether you’re the dumper or the dumpee. But, as with everything in life, it’s always possible to look for the positives, or at least the lessons you’ve learnt. So, here are seven positive things you should take from a break-up.

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You might not see your freedom as one of the positive things to take from a break-up at first, especially if you didn’t really want to be free. But try to think of it at first as a weight off your mind – no more worrying about the other person, no obligations or responsibilities! Then, as time goes on, think about how much fun you can have; more time to spend with friends, dating, meeting new people – it’s like a whole new lease on life!


You may be feeling really down in the dumps since your relationship ended, but have you really thought about why it ended? And I don’t just mean blaming yourself and thinking of all the things you wished you did. Simply put, if your relationship had really been as good as you maybe thought it was, then it wouldn’t have ended. As time heals, you’ll become more and more aware of the problems you may not even have realised were there.

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This is just for those who had to take the sorry role of the dumper – people normally assume that, if you’re the one doing the breaking up, it’s easy. But it definitely isn’t; you’re fully aware that you’re going to be hurting a person you once loved, and most likely still care about, and that’s awful. But there’s no point berating yourself for it – relationships break down, people fall out of love, that’s life. Carrying on a relationship you don’t want to be in is more hurtful than breaking it off – for both of you.


I know it’s always friends first, your girls before your guy etc ., etc., but let’s be honest – when you have a boyfriend, you probably don’t see your friends as much, simply because you have to split your time between them and another person. But it’s after a break-up that you realise how lucky you are. After my break-up, I realised I really do have wonderful friends, and I’ve had so much fun with them since – and am always looking forward to more!

5. FRIENDS with an EX?

Some people may say that you can never be friends with an ex – but just because you’re breaking up, it doesn’t mean you have to lose that person from your life forever. If you didn’t want the relationship to end, it’s not a good idea to be friends straightaway. But, in time, once you’ve moved on, perhaps you can still have that person in your life – just in a different way.


As I mentioned before, we have a tendency to blame the end of our relationships entirely on ourselves and the things we did wrong, at least at first. But, as the saying goes, it takes two to tango; and I’m pretty certain your partner wasn’t perfect. Take the time out to think about what you really want from a relationship, and the kind of person you want to be with. Then, next time you consider making a commitment, you can be sure it’s what you want.


This is the most important thing to take away from a break-up. Think of everything you’ve learnt during the course of your relationship. When I look back, I know there are things I would change about the way I acted – but now I know, I won’t be repeating the same mistakes in future relationships. See each break-up as a lesson taught, (suffered) and eventually learnt.

Break-ups are one of the least pleasant life experiences we go through. No matter what you read, or what people tell you, when it happens, it’s still going to feel rubbish. But remember you aren’t alone; you were happy before and you’ll be happy again. What are your tips for getting over a break-up?

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Make sure to end the relationship on a good note! There's no point in causing unnecessary drama. Start becoming the person you need to be for your future partner...there's always hope! I got dumped on Valentines Day and it's been a hard week but this article helped me to wake up! Thanks a bunch!

I try not to think about it even though it was a five year relationship. It happened for a reason.

Thank you for this. I just went through a break up today and I'm really trying to think as positively as I can. It went down smoothly but I know I will be crying my eyes out these next couple of days before I start feeling any better. But nonetheless thank you.

I agree with Miss Me....I left my ex back in July of last year and it was the best thing I ever did. I ended up leaving my career I loved, but ended up moving back in with family and it's been the best move ever. I started a job with Wells Fargo, which is a great company to work for, and found my home church now at First Family Church in Ankeny, IA. Just saying...keep your chin up and realize that you can do all through Christ who strengthens you!