17 Questions to Ask Yourself before You Break up with Him ...


17 Questions to Ask Yourself  before You Break up with Him ...
17 Questions to Ask Yourself  before You Break up with Him ...

It's hard to decide whether or not you should continue a relationship with someone you like. Of course, you can figure it out as long as you think long and hard about it. Here are a few questions to ask yourself before breaking up with him:

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1. Why Are You Breaking up with Him?

Why Are You Breaking up with Him? Make sure you have a good reason for breaking up with him. If he makes you miserable, then go for it. But if you're annoyed by something silly, like his fashion choices, then you might want to rethink things.

2. Are You Being Too Impulsive?

Are You Being Too Impulsive? If you two just had a major fight, you might be able to work through it. Don't break up with him while you're still pissed off. Wait until you calm down and can see the situation logically.

Frequently asked questions

3. Where Are You Going to Break up with Him?

Where Are You Going to Break up with Him? If you think he could get violent, break up with him in a public place. You don't want to risk getting hurt.

4. What Are You Going to Tell Him?

black, white, face, black and white, photography, You probably shouldn't wing it. Think about what you're going to say to him before you actually say it.

5. Do You Want to Remain Friends with Him?

Do You Want to Remain Friends with Him? If you do, then you need to handle the situation carefully. You don't want to make him hate you, because then a friendship will never work.

6. Did You Give Him a Fair Chance?

Did You Give Him a Fair Chance? If you've only gone out on a few dates, you might want to go out on a few more before you decide whether or not you want to stay together.

7. Do You Love Him?

Do You Love Him? If you love him, and can imagine spending the rest of your life with him, then why would you break up with him? You can try to work through your problems.

8. Are You Going to Regret Breaking up with Him?

Are You Going to Regret Breaking up with Him? You don't want to break up with him today and regret it tomorrow. Make sure you think things through before you go through with dumping him.


It's essential to reflect on the potential aftermath of ending the relationship. Consider the long-term implications rather than just the temporary relief you may feel. Will you miss his company, or are you craving freedom? Make a list of the reasons that are compelling you to consider this step. If the cons outweigh the pros significantly, then you might be more confident in your decision. However, if you're on the fence, give it some more thought. The last thing you want is to make a hasty decision that leads to remorse.

9. Are You Interested in Someone else?

person, speech, screenshot, If you think you're going to cheat on him, make sure you break up with him before that happens. Being dumped hurts less than being cheated on.

10. Are You Going to Try to Get Back with Him?

person, screenshot, official, If you know you are, then you might as well try to make the relationship work. There's no sense in going back and forth.

11. Do Your Friends Think It’s the Right Decision?

Do Your Friends Think It’s the Right Decision? At the end of the day, it's your decision, but it can't hurt to get an outsider's opinion.

12. Do You Have Any of His Items?

screenshot, He might ask you to return his sweatshirts and the gifts he gave you. Get all of his stuff together before you break up with him, so it's ready for him to take home.

13. Are You Second Guessing Yourself?

Are You Second Guessing Yourself? If you are, then you should take a few more days to think about what the right choice is. You don't have to rush into making a decision.

14. Will You Be Happier without Him?

Will You Be Happier without Him? If you will, then you should definitely break up with him. It's as simple as that.

15. Are You Ready for It to Be over for Good?

Are You Ready for It to Be over for Good? Don't assume that you can take him back if you ever feel like it. If you say goodbye to him now, then he might be gone for good.

16. What Will His Reaction Be?

What Will His Reaction Be? If you think he'll cry, bring tissues. If you think he'll hurt you, bring mace.

17. What Does Your Head Say?

What Does Your Head Say? It doesn't matter how much you love him. If he's dangerous, then you can't stay with him.

Think things through, so you end up making the right decision. Are you planning on breaking up with someone soon?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

*much but it'll be worth it in the end

Why David Tennant here... Did u /want/ to make me cry..?

Then he said he still loves me but it's hard having a long distance relationship

I know from experience that it definitely hurts more to break up on impulse. Or on a whim, think about the future.

He's nice but I just don't like him....🙁

I think he just need time to think things through, the more you try to call or text him,the more he will be annoyed. As for you, try to be strong and be with your friends and families who support you.

Please help me I don't know what to do first I feel like his changed and trying to avoid me ,he doesn't talk to me and then my friend asked him if his trying to avoid me and he said know we had a chat and he said he didn't want to break up

I found a girl's picture on his wallpaper. Enough evidence to break up.

I have a long distance relationship and it sucks because we love each other so

Great use of gifs in this article