7 Reasons Why Everyone Should Try Online Dating ...


Gone are the days when online dating held a stigma – more of us than ever before meet our partners on the Internet, and there are plenty of reasons why everyone should try online dating. Finding love online isn’t easy, but then neither is finding The One in a crowded bar at 3am. If you’re serious about finding Mr (or Mrs) Right then here are 7 reasons why everyone should try online dating.

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It’s Free (well, Sometimes)

There are plenty of dating sites which are totally free to use, and even the subscription sites usually offer a month free, to see if you like the service before you sign up. Be aware though that sometimes free sites attract less serious suitors; if you’re looking for a long-term relationship, it might be worthwhile parting with your cash for a site such as Match.com. However the fact that it’s affordable is a great reason why everyone should try online dating!


You’ll Get to Know Their Personality

We’re all guilty of judging someone based on how they look, or their mannerisms, and one of the plus points of online dating is that you get to know someone’s personality first and foremost. Although you’ll usually see a picture of your date, you won’t see them up close and personal until you actually meet them, which gives you more time than normal to focus on their hobbies, interests and the things you have in common.


You’ll Meet a Wider Circle of People

Dating online gives you the opportunity to meet people you might normally never have met in your social circle. If your friends are all college students but you’re longing to meet someone who works as a journalist, for example, your options are fairly limited. Online, you can search using various criteria and find someone who shares your passion. This is also a great way to meet people from other countries or cultures, and broaden your horizons.


Kiss a Few Frogs...

Doubtless you’ll have to kiss a few frogs, but you could eventually find your prince – online dating is a great way to meet as many people as possible and go on lots of dates. The more people you meet, the more chance you have of finding someone you click with, on every level. When it happens, you’ll know!


It’s Great if You’re Shy

If you’re the kind of girl who stumbles her way awkwardly through first dates, blushing and spilling food everywhere, then online dating is the perfect way to meet new people. Of course, you’ll still have the first date to get through, but it should be a more relaxed affair once you’ve spent some time getting to know each other online, and you’ll have figured out whether you’re likely to get along before you even head to the restaurant.

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Avoid Awkward Set-ups

If you’re tired of your coupled-up friends trying to set you up or your mum asking when you’re going to settle down, then try online dating! Not only will you be too busy going on dates to consider accepting your friend’s blind date offer, but your mum will love hearing about all your experiences (well, maybe not them ALL).


You Could Meet the One

Whether you believe in The One or think that there are plenty of people out there for everyone, you could meet your perfect partner online. This has happened to friends of mine who have now been happily married for years, and I’ve dated some great people that I met online. At any rate, it’s a New Year, so what have you got to lose?

Try something different for 2014 – online dating! It really is a great option for anyone looking to meet new people for casual dating, friendship or a potential relationship, and if you live in a big city, you’re sure to meet hundreds of new and interesting people who may never have crossed your path otherwise. Have you ever tried online dating, and if so what happened?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I met my current partner on a dating site and I am happier than ever. I used to believe the stigma about it all but when I tried it I was pleasantly surprised. He was my third and last date from the site and I deactivated my account after my first date with him. Give it a go girls :) what have you got to lose?

You don't know what sort of Pedo is lurking behind those screens

probably shouldn't. There are some creepos online that can kill you.Say true, out loud if u agree.

Sure it's difficult at time, but like Kristin said if they're the one, you won't be able to imagine life without them.

I've tried it before on a dumb little website. It's pointless and really gets you no where. And when it says "avoid awkward setup" well We all know hiding behind a computer is easier than going out and actually flirting so once you actually setup a time and place to finally meet them, you'll freeze up and not know what to say. Sorry, not sorry. It's the truth.

I've tried it for a few days but no luck. Lucky and works for some but not for me. I keep a high standard in choosing a mate. I just can't settle for less. :)

I tried online dating and it was a bad experience. Most of those guys are crazy. And all they want to do is get laid. I rather meet my future bf in person better. :).

Thanks for the article. It is risky to try some websites, sometimes you meet guys who just want one thing or guys who are just too self obsessed in my experience. But I'm still giving it a shot but not taking the search too seriously. Zoosk has creeps, lovoo is not too bad and I just started trying Worthy. Don't give up hope you singles

I don't think online dating is good because there are weirdo and they could be someone there not so.. Just be carful people

I will never try online dating. no one will ever convince me otherwise.

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