Understanding Why It's Cool to Embrace the Single Life ...

Leyla Sep 4, 2014

A lot of us don't like being single. We worry too much about what others will think or when the next boyfriend will come along. Stop. Breathe. And enjoy your single status. Here's guest contributor Leyla Javadova's post on why it's perfectly okay to be single.

I'm sure you've had those "Why Not Me?" thoughts when you see couples holding hands and canoodling near you. Stop worrying and being hard on yourself. It's great to be single! Here's why:

Snapshot Survey

What's your favorite way to express love to someone?

1. Finding Yourself

Being single gives you the chance to find yourself personally and professionally. Take different classes and learn more about your interests and hobbies. Take the time to enjoy your own presence. Have Me-Time with a margarita!

2. Stabilize Yourself in a Career

Not having that loved one gives you more time to concentrate on your work. Take the time to grow in your professional life and take the needed exams or courses in order to improve yourself. You may not realize the importance of it right now but you will someday.

3. Finding the Right One

Being single doesn't mean that you're ugly or unwanted. You're single because you won't settle for just anyone. You deserve a man who's willing to stay when you're going through a rough time, someone who will shop with you, cook with you, travel with you, and share your dreams and hopes. Don't settle for less. Know your value!

4. Exploring Your Choices

Not being in a relationship means you can meet different men to find that 'right guy'. It's okay to date and explore your options. Dating doesn't have to immediately translate to a relationship, it means you're expanding your social circle and seeing what's out there. So put on a sexy dress, your sexy smile, and have fun on those dates!

5. Unlimited 'YOU' Time

You want to have a girls' night? You need to have a spa day all to yourself? Done and done! Of course, you can do these things even when you're in a relationship, but when you're single, you don't have to think about anything or anyone. You have more 'Me' time to enjoy and to cherish. As mentioned above in #1, take the time to know yourself. Oh and hey, you don't have to shave your legs, take short showers or take those extra few minutes to look good for 'somebody' - do all those things for yourself.

6. Travel Time

When you're in a relationship, traveling can be somewhat difficult to do since you're thinking about his availability also. When it's just you, you can simply buy that airplane ticket and travel the world. Nothing beats exploring places you've never been to. Traveling can also be a good way to find your inner stability and calmness.

7. Be Alone, Not Lonely

There's a huge difference between being alone and being lonely. It's okay to be alone to live, to grow, or even to explore. Don't look at yourself in the mirror and whisper the question 'Why?' thinking that you're lonely. You're not. You're single, alone, and need to learn to love that state.

Look at the bathroom mirror and smile. The woman you see in front of you is single and fabulous! And remember, in order to be loved, you must love yourself first. What's your favorite part about being single?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Wow this story hit home for me so great points on the single life😌

i've been single for 5 years. It's true that when you're single you'll learn more how to value yourself and knowing who and what you really want. and good thing about is you're living for yourself. haha. sometime we miss having in a realtionship status but come to think of it, sometimes if you're in a relationship you really need to adjust yourself and sometimes not knowing you're changing because you want that person to like you. And I believe if he's the one for me, we have all the time in the world. No need to rush. Love is never rushed! Cheers!

Been single for almost five years and I had been trying to get into a relationship the whole time until now. Now I'm focusing completely on myself and building up my life as I go to school, flirt around a bit, and discover who I truly am :)

so many couples u see walking around together arent even happy anyway ..... it just looks that way. looks can be deceiving. i agree with this article :)

Good advice I have been single for awhile n loving it

I love being single! I have accomplished so much person and carrier wise. I am surrounded by positive friends and family. I do not feel "lonely" ever. I would rather find "love" then be comfortably "settled". Well said! Single, independent, and loving it!

Self appreciation days are better than dates with other people. You can eat where you want, leave when you want. Its fun.

Total agreeeeee!!!!

I love this article especially the last part: There's a huge difference between being alone and being lonely. It's okay to be alone to live, to grow, or even to explore. Don't look at yourself in the mirror and whisper the question 'Why?' thinking that you're lonely. You're not. You're single, alone, and need to learn to love that state. --- i love being single and carefree!

Great article! Being single definitely make u learn skills that will help u if eventually u get in a relashionship! Besides that u can deal better with your thoughts and ansientys

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