17 Reasons Why You Deserve a Genuinely Good Guy ...

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17 Reasons Why You Deserve a Genuinely  Good Guy ...

Don't settle for dating a jerk. You deserve better than that. Believe it or not, there are better men out there. You just have to search for them. Here are a few reasons why you should ditch any players in your life, because you deserve a genuinely good guy:

1 You’re Beautiful

You're beautiful inside and out. Don't listen to the lies that the mirror is telling you, because you look amazing. The right guy will realize that.

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2 You’re Smart

You're an intelligent woman. That's why you should be with someone who's smart enough to see how wonderful you are.

3 You’re Funny

Jerks don't deserve your hysterical jokes. Only a good guy should get to hear your silly puns.

4 You’re Nice

You're a nice girl, which means you should be with a nice guy. Let the nasty girls get stuck with the nasty guys.

5 You Want One

You want a good guy, don't you? Well, if you want one, then you shouldn't rest until you get one. You deserve to reach your goals.

6 You’d Be a Great Girlfriend

Don't underestimate yourself. You'd make an amazing girlfriend, which is why any guy would be lucky to have you.

7 They’re out There

Believe it or not, there are actually good men out there. Don't settle for someone subpar, just because you haven't found anyone worthwhile yet. He'll come along eventually.

8 Bad Guys Don’t Deserve You

If he treats you poorly, then you shouldn't treat him like royalty. He should get what he gives.

9 You’ve Been through Enough

Think of all of the rough times you've endured. If you date a bad guy, then you're only going to be putting yourself through more pain.

10 Your Boyfriend Should Be Your Best Friend

You should date someone you like enough to call your bestie. If he's not nice enough to be your BFF, then he shouldn't be your boyfriend, either.

11 Relationships Are Meant to Make You Happy

Your boyfriend is the person meant to make you laugh. If he's only making you cry, then why are you even with him?

12 You’re Better than You Think You Are

We all have one thing in common: We don't give ourselves enough credit. You're better than you think you are, which is why you deserve someone amazing.

13 No One Deserves to Be Treated Poorly

Even if you weren't as amazing as you are, you still wouldn't deserve to be treated poorly. No one deserves that.

14 You’ve Been with Enough Bad Guys

You've been around enough bad boys to last a lifetime. It's about time that you switch things up and date a good guy.

15 Relationships Require Effort

A bad boyfriend won't put in any effort. That means you'll end up breaking up as quickly as you got together.

16 A “good” Guy is Usually Just a Decent Guy

We give men too much credit for doing simple things. If he opens doors for you and treats you like an equal, he's not actually a "good" guy. He's just a decent human being.

17 You’re Trying Hard

You're not perfect, but you're trying your best. That's why you should be with a guy who's also trying his best.

Never settle for less than you deserve, ladies! Are you dating a genuinely good guy?

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