9 Relationship Advice Tips to Follow in Your 30's ...


Relationship advice for your 30's is completely different than any advice that you hear about dating in your 20's. In your 30's, you typically want someone that is going to want to settle down soon, not someone that constantly wants to party! So ladies, below I've got the top relationship advice for your 30's, so that you can get on with your relationship and start to break into the dating scene! So girls, you ready to explore my top 9 relationship advice for your 30's?

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1. Find Someone with Your Morals

When you are in your 30's, it's really important that you find someone that shares your similar morals and backgrounds. This relationship advice for your 30's stems from wanting to settle down. It is extremely hard to settle down with someone that doesn't have similar morals and backgrounds as you – you'll clash on everything from how to discipline your kids all the way to if you want animals or not!

2. Choose Your Battles

If you do happen to be in a relationship, one of the top relationship advice for your 30's is to choose your battles. Allowing yourself to give in on a few fights that don't really matter and fight for what really does matter. I am approaching 30 soon and already, I can feel myself changing from 'I need to fight for everything' to relaxing and just fighting for things that are important.

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3. Say Goodbye to Relationships Not Going Anywhere

If you aren't in a relationship but are still looking, the next relationship advice for your 30's is to say goodbye to dead end relationships that you know aren't going to go anywhere. Does the guy still live at home with his parents and no job? What future does he have? Does the guy you like still party all of the time with his college friends? Might not be the best guy for you to be with!

4. Don't Waste Your Time on Boys

One relationship advice for your 30's tip that I had to learn the hard way is – don't waste your time on boys. Men that are disguised as boys can really be hard to spot, but truthfully, once you get to know them, it can be easier to spot. A boy is looking for someone to take care of them, not someone that is going to want to be equal.

5. Depend on Your Man Once in a While

Relationship advice for your 30's can be really hard to follow, especially since you've probably carved out exactly how you are and how you act. Ladies, you've got to drop your independence sometimes and just allow yourself to depend on your man. Not all of the time of course, but sometimes, it's nice!

6. No More Screaming Matches

If you are in a relationship, one relationship advice for your 30's tip that I had to learn was not to scream at my partner. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes you just want to have a good scream, but screaming matches with your partner all of the time isn't healthy and it can actually mean that your relationship isn't in a good place.

7. Recognize Your Guy as a Keeper

When you are in your 30's, it's actually a lot easier to spot when a guy is a keeper. Does he have a career versus just a job? Does he have a great personality? Does he treat you well? These are all signs that the guy is absolutely a keeper! This is a lot easier to spot when you are in your 30's versus when you are in your 20's!

8. Value Your Family's Opinion

When you are in your 30's, you typically want to value your family's opinion of your mate. The reasoning behind that is because you could be looking to settle down, which means that the guy is going to be around your family a lot. This relationship advice for your 30's tip is all about taking your family into consideration!

9. Know What You Want

Finally girls, when you are in your 30's, you want to have some idea of what you want in a guy or what characteristics you are looking for – it'll make the search that much better! Do you want an outdoorsy guy? A fashionable guy? A guy that is close-knit with his family? A guy in a particular religion? These are all things to consider!

There you have it girls! My top relationship advice for your 30's! These tips can work whether or not if you are in a relationship or you are searching for Mr. Right. So girls, what other relationship advice for your 30's do you have? Give it up!

Top Image Source: flickriver.com