17 Relationship Goals Inspired by Gomez and Morticia Addams ...

By Lyndsie8 Comments

17 Relationship Goals Inspired by Gomez and Morticia Addams ...

For my money, Gomez and Morticia Addams are the height of #relationshipgoals. There is not a couple anywhere in the world as passionate, in tune, and enamored as these two. They're creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky, yes, but they're creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky together – that's the point. They know each other's kinks, quirks, and sweet spots and they're not afraid to be affectionate or proclaim their love for each other – sometimes inappropriately, but still. Wouldn't you love to have a relationship like this?

1 Always Know when Your Lover is Unhappy … or, Er, Happy

Maybe your boo likes being miserable (Heather knows this struggle). Maybe you're in love with somebody who's only happy when it rains. Whatever the case, know what makes your lover unhappy ... or happy.


Understanding your partner's emotional weather is like being their personal meteorologist. Gauge their moods with the accuracy of a love barometer—it's a quintessential sign of a deep bond. Morticia and Gomez excel at this; they catch each other's lightest drizzle or brightest ray of joy. Whether it's a subtle sigh or a twinkle in their eye, being in tune with these signals can turn a gloomy day sunny or at least help you both prepare for the stormy weather ahead, together.

Frequently asked questions

2 The Couple Who Judges Together Stays Together

That fabulous moment when you share an opinion without even looking at each other.


This telepathic connection is the ultimate partnership perk. Whether it's a side-eye during a dinner party or a mutual cringe at a cheesy movie line, it's like your brains are synced up. It's the laughs over an inside joke nobody else gets, or the sly smiles when you both pick the same entree at a restaurant. This kind of silent, shared judgment isn't just about poking fun—it's about finding someone who gets you on such a deep level that words are simply unnecessary.

3 Dance like No One's Looking

If Gomez and Morticia can teach us one thing, it's how to keep the passion alive...


it's to throw caution to the wind and embrace each other's quirks. On the dance floor, much like in love, synchronization is key — it's not about perfection but rather about connection. So let your walls down, move to the music, and let that rhythm guide your feet. When it comes to keeping your relationship fresh and exciting, a spontaneous dance-off in the living room can work wonders, igniting laughter and forging an even deeper bond. After all, it's those unexpected moments of joy that create the most lasting memories.

4 No, Seriously, Forget the World and do Your Thing

...and how to be silly together. Serious. Dance together more, even if you're both bad at it.


Embrace your quirks as if they're the most precious gems you own. When the world tries to box you in with conventional ideals, laugh and pave your own eccentric path. Remember how Gomez and Morticia cherish each other's oddities with endearing affection? Like them, love fearlessly and live boldly. Let go of inhibitions and be outrageously you. Whether it’s midnight picnics in graveyards or painting each other’s portraits in the most abstract ways - if it makes you both happy, it’s perfectly perfect for you.

5 Never Let Your Lover Get Bored

This goes back to the spice thing, but remember, it's not all about sex.


Keeping the flame alive means being engaged and interested in each other's lives. Experiment with new activities together—from salsa dancing classes to road trips exploring new places. It doesn't have to be extravagant; sometimes, it's the simple joys of a shared hobby or a surprise homemade dinner that can reignite the excitement. Encourage each other's dreams and aspirations, and be each other's biggest cheerleader. This creates a deep, unwavering connection that goes far beyond the physical, ensuring that boredom is never an option in your relationship.

6 Learn How to Make Every Day a Holiday

Learn how to make every day our favorite holiday. If your favorite holiday is Halloween, then Gomez and 'Tish should definitely be your spirit couple.


Embrace the Addams' eerie enchantment by incorporating whimsical elements into your daily life. Whether it's leaving love notes with a spooky twist or planning midnight picnics under the full moon, every day can ooze with the mysterious and kooky charm. Channel some of that timeless Addams romance by cooking up a 'witchy' brew together or watching a scary movie, cuddled under a blanket. Remember, it's the quirks and shared oddities that keep the spark alive, mirroring the undying affection between Morticia and Gomez.

7 Figure out Your Beloved's Favorite Kinks

Does your girl love having her ear nibbled? Is the boy of your dreams crazy about kissing? Does your partner in crime have a little pain kink? Figure it out.

8 Ladies, Always Compliment Your Gomez

Let your lover know how awesome s/he is. Say it often. Stroke the ego.


Everyone craves appreciation, and your partner is no exception. They might not fish for compliments, but trust us, they love to be adulated. When you notice the little things - the fresh haircut, a suave outfit, or even the way they gracefully handle a tough situation - give them that praise. It's the everyday acknowledgments that sew the seeds of a deeply rooted love. Hold them up in high regard, and they’ll stand taller, feeling like the most charming creature in the room. That confidence boost? You gift it with every sweet affirmation.

9 Gentlemen, do the Same for Your Morticia

Partners need to compliment each other. Dating, married, hooking up, it doesn't matter. Say something sweet every once in a while.


It's all about those small gestures that keep the flame alive. Just like Gomez adores every strand of Morticia's raven hair, make sure to notice the little things about your partner. Whether it be the way the light catches their eyes or the warmth of their laugh, whisper a sincere compliment their way. It's these moments, these simple tokens of appreciation, that can turn an ordinary day into a page out of a love story. So, take a page from the Addams' romantic playbook and keep the love as passionate as a tango under the full moon.

10 Learn about Each Other's Favorite Foods

Learning how your partner takes her/his coffee, if you prefer salt or pepper, your favorite takeout place, and all those little things – it's important. It shows that you're interested and that you care.


Discovering and indulging in each other's culinary preferences can be a delicious way to deepen your bond. Imagine the delight in surprising your love with their unexpected treat from that quirky bakery they adore, or the intimate dinner you both savor from a shared, beloved recipe. Remembering the little details, like who craves spicy versus who has a sweet tooth, weaves a richer narrative of togetherness, where every meal becomes an opportunity to nourish not just the body, but the heart and soul of your relationship.

11 Never Go to Bed on an Argument

Seriously. Don't torture yourself.


The Addams may have their quirks, but one thing is clear: their communication is top-notch. Instead of stewing in resentment, they choose to settle their disputes with an open heart and perhaps a touch of that signature macabre humor. Embrace the art of resolution and don't let those negative vibes fester into the night. Tuck each other in with a kiss and a promise of a new day, sans the grudges; because true love is worth that moonlight serenade of apologies and understanding, isn't it?

12 Don't Be Afraid to Define Things for Each Other

Exactly. Your idea of torture might be your lover's idea of heaven. Also, Raul Julia's Gomez just makes my knees weak.


In the enchanting dance of love, communication is key. Embrace each other’s quirks and explicitly express your desires and boundaries. Being open about what brings you joy and what doesn't can only deepen your connection. Take a page out of the Addams family book, where unconventional is the norm, and understanding is non-negotiable. Celebrate the peculiarities and never shy away from the conversation. After all, what's a relationship without a little mystery and a lot of honesty?

13 Have a Realistic View of Your Relationship

Even Gomez and Morticia had problems. They also had Pugsley so, you know, count yourselves lucky.

14 Always Know when to Shut up

Remember, sometimes it's more important to listen than it is to speak. There will also come a point in your relationship where you just need to stfu.


Understanding the rhythm of a conversation and the nuances of your partner's needs can enhance your bond immeasurably. It's about tapping into the unspoken intimacy that Gomez and Morticia exhibit; recognizing moments when your silent support speaks volumes more than any words could. There's a delicate balance between sharing that oh-so-important witty repartee and providing a compassionate ear. Appreciate the pauses and the space they provide for mutual understanding, proving that at times, love is heard loudest in the quiet.

15 Make the Most of Your Romantic Evenings – No Matter What the Weather

There's a silver lining hiding behind every cloud ... and every raindrop.


Embrace the coziness of rain or the romantic whispers of wind. Light candles or a fireplace to create a warm glow, as you snuggle under a soft blanket with your beloved. Share stories, indulge in chocolate-dipped strawberries, or simply listen to the melody of the weather outside. Let the elements heighten your intimacy, turning what could be a bummer into an opportunity for closeness. This is about finding comfort in each other, no matter the forecast.

16 Strive to Please Each Other

And don't be afraid to ask your boo for what pleases you, either.


Being open and communicative about your desires creates a harmonious dynamic between partners. Like the iconic duo, Gomez and Morticia, whose every action seemed to revolve around making each other blissfully happy, ensure that your relationship is a two-way street of mutual gratification. Embrace each other's quirks, and remember that pleasing your partner isn't just about grand gestures; it's the little things that often weave the strongest bonds. Whether it's a surprise kiss, a thoughtful act, or simply listening with intent, these moments build a foundation of lasting adoration.

17 Promise to Love Each Other Forever

That reminds me ... Heather, I cannot tell you how grateful I am that our lifeless bodies will be rotting together for all eternity.

Plainly, sitcom Gomez and Morticia are just as passionate as the '90s couple – although I have to admit a preference for the chemistry between Anjelica Huston and Raul Julia, who were just ridiculously beautiful together. Still, the point remains the same: #relationshipgoals. No matter how kooky or spooky you are, there's someone out there for you. Have you found the Gomez to your Morticia?

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