7 Relationship Tips to Get through a Separation ...

By Heather

Finding all of the right ways on how to get through a separation isn’t easy. There are so many tips out there on ways to get through a separation, it can almost be overbearing. If you’ve been separated from your husband for a while and are looking for ways on how to get through a separation that really work, I’ve got you covered. I’ve got all of the top tips below that will really work on your emotions and take you into consideration.

1 Don't Panic

First things first ladies, don’t panic when you get separated. A lot of couples just need a break from one another and it is never time to write the entire relationship off, just because you and your husband or boyfriend are separated. Take the time to get to know yourself again, take the time to really understand why you like the man in the first place. After you learn this tip on getting through a separation, you’ll be able to face your relationship a completely new person.

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2 It's Okay to Be Depressed

It’s okay to be depressed girls. I know a lot of the ‘how to get through a separation’ tips out there say that you need to go about your normal day, without thinking about it, but that’s hard right? It’s okay to be depressed – say that to yourself. You’ve probably been with your boyfriend or husband a long time if you are going through this type of thing and it’s hard to just stop being a couple.

3 Grieve

While your relationship might not be over, one of the top tips on getting through a separation is making sure that you leave time to grieve the relationship. Things might not work out and you’ve got to grieve that. When my partner and I went through a separation, it took me about a week or two to grieve the fact that she wasn’t in my life for a little while. After a two month separation, we got back together and now everything is great. Sometimes, you just need to let your body emotionally heal.

4 Find Supportive Friends

You want friends that can surround you during this time that are supportive. You don’t want friends that are suddenly going to turn on your boyfriend or husband or really try to bring you down. You want friends that are going to be supportive of your decision not to be with your husband and what you are going through.

5 Accept the Decision

When you both do finally make the decision to separate, you've got make sure that it is a decision that both of you want. A decision that you both can live with. It's a decision of your life girls and once it's been made, you've got to accept it. I know it's hard, but it's one of the ways to get through a separation.

6 Try to Work It out

After you've made the decision and you've been separated for a while, do you think that you'll be able to work it out? Do you think that you and your boyfriend/husband want to be together still? Do you think that you two are able to work it out? For my partner and I, it was a decision we mutually made. We decided we could work it out and that's why we're together now.

7 Realize It's over

Finally, if you can't work it out, you've got to accept and realize that it is over. I know it's hard girls, but this is another step on getting through a separation. Realizing that your relationship can help you start the grieving process, can help you start to get over the relationship.

While going through a separation and learning how to get through a separation is very difficult, there are ways to do it. You've just got to find the one that works for you. So girls, what other tips for getting through a separation do you have to share?

Top Image Souce: skyrock.com

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