How to Cope when Your Relationship is Turning Long Distance ...

By Vladlena14 Comments

How to Cope when Your Relationship is Turning Long Distance ...

You’ve always told yourself that you would never enter a long distance relationship, you’re just not that type of person and it’s not something you want to deal with… but here you are. Without planning on it, you’re now in what you call a long distance relationship and no matter how sure you might have been in the past, worries and concerns are creeping up on you. Nonetheless it is solely up to you to make it work or abandon the ship before it sinks.

1 Analyze Your Relationship and Make a Decision

For some of you, this might not even be an area of concern because despite the distance you are in it to make it work but others might want to reflect on the relationship before going into something that might not be necessary. I’d recommend asking yourself whether you want to stay with the person and analyze whether your answers are adequate and healthy. If so, keep reading on!

Frequently asked questions

2 Work on Communication and Honesty

The biggest and most important thing in a relationship whether it’s long distance or not is communication. You have to learn to voice your concerns and feelings in a calm fashion but also know when to hold back and pick your battles. Remain honest and communicate from a place of love.

3 Don’t Look for Validation and Have Trust

You shouldn’t constantly seek validation from your partner about the strength of the relationship and just have confidence that your partner loves you and cares enough to put in the effort to make it work. Don’t feel the need to investigate your partner’s interactions with other people unless of course there is a serious reason to, and just have enough trust in your significant other.

4 Make an Effort to Talk and See Each Other

While you shouldn’t expect your partner to constantly to be glued to his/her phone or laptop just to talk to you, you should definitely try to make an effort to communicate with each other and maintain that spark that has always been there. Plan something that you can both look forward to but communicate in moderation without feeling like you have to do so constantly.

5 Have Faith in Your Relationship

Long distance is not fun, it can be stressful and depressing, and it will really test your patience. However, the only thing that can keep you sane and your relationship healthy is having faith in one another. And if you feel like that is something you might be lacking, maybe you should be reevaluating the choices you’ve made.

6 Try Not to Appear Needy

While are you going to miss the physical contact and attention from your significant other, you cannot present yourself as someone who is overly needy as you’ll only strain your relationship even more. Try to appreciate what you have and things will work itself out.

7 Learn How to Live Your Life and Get Busy

The last thing you want to do is to make your long distance relationship the focus of your life. Not only will that drive you insane but soon enough you’ll realize that you put your whole life on hold. Instead of doing that, take to time to go out with friends, propel your career, expand your hobbies and just have fun. Take it as a blessing in disguise!

What are some of your tips for long distance relationships? Spread your wisdom and share them in the comments!

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