10 Revealing Reasons Men Love to Date Single Moms ...

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10 Revealing Reasons Men Love to Date Single Moms  ...

While some men may avoid the potential baby-daddy drama that comes along with dating some single moms, more and more men are willing to give us a go. If you're momming on your own, you already know how awesome you are, and why any man would be lucky to date you. In case you need a reminder, though, this is why dating a single mom is awesome.

1 We're Mature

face, person, beauty, skin, head,It's just not possible to be immature, regardless of your age, when you're in charge of keeping small humans alive. Single moms can be, and often times are, completely silly, but we're also very mature... because we have to be.


Single moms have to juggle a lot of responsibilities that require a level of maturity that many people may not have. From managing money to providing emotional support, single moms have to be able to handle a variety of tasks. They also often have to act as both parents, providing discipline and guidance for their children. Single moms also have to be able to handle any unexpected issues that may arise, such as medical emergencies or financial troubles. Despite all of the challenges, single moms are often incredibly resilient and determined to provide their children with the best life possible. They are a great example of strength and selflessness, and that's why men often admire and respect single moms.

2 We're Independent

We single moms learned quickly that we have to be able to be self-sufficient and independent, and even when our kids are on visits with their dads, we don't ever let that independence lapse.

3 We're Not Squeamish

Once you've been covered in poop, pee, and vomit from your kids, nothing makes you squeamish - including a running injury or a random ill-timed fart. While other women might get faint at the sight of blood, we'll be able to wipe it up, and tell you whether or not you'll need stitches.

4 We're Patient and Kind

Having kids makes even the most impatient, selfish person kind and compassionate. When you have to, by default, care more about a little person than yourself, it makes you a better person, period. That of course runs into your other relationships.

5 We're Committed

This is a broad generalization, but most single moms are very committed to our personal relationships because we just don't have the time to mess around with multiple partners, and we also have zero time for anyone's BS.

6 We Have Humor

If you're a single mom, you have a great sense of humor - you have to! We even have a soft spot for potty humor, since having little kids means a few gross-out moments every day, and you've just got to laugh.

7 We've Got Snacks!

Single moms are always, always prepared for the moment when a snack-attack happens, which means snacks. Glorious tasty treats of all kinds abound in our cupboards, fridge, pantry, and probably even our handbags and cars.

8 We're Flexible

Men love that single moms can roll with the punches. If plans fall through, they take it in stride and move on, whereas a woman with no kids might not be so understanding. Single moms are used to things going awry so it won't really bother them if you're running a little late because she's probably dealt with worse.

9 We're Well-Rounded

If you're looking for a woman who knows how to get things done, can handle anything, and is capable of so much more than just being arm candy, you're looking in the right place if you're looking at a single mom! Cooking, cleaning, and just down right being bad ass, single moms know how to be warriors!

10 We're Loving

Single moms open their heart in a way you never knew possible. Able to love her children unconditionally, she will love you harder than ever imagined. Her selfless kind of love she gives (which she learned being a mom) has given her an edge at being a better partner.

If you're a single mom, chime in with the other reasons why you're a fab catch!

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