Scientists Found the Biggest Turn-offs in Your Online Dating Profile ...


Scientists Found the Biggest Turn-offs in Your Online Dating Profile ...
Scientists Found the Biggest Turn-offs in Your Online Dating Profile ...

Still wondering why you can’t get a date? New Research unravels the mystery of Dating Apps.

If you're still single despite trying every dating app out there a few crucial profile mistakes could be to blame. Research has found what people want the most when it comes to potential dates on apps like Tinder, Happn and Bumble

A new study at, a survey on 872 Brits aged 18-30, has revealed that women are most likely to swipe left on men with the same name as an ex, those who use topless pictures, aor even have incompatible star signs.

The unusual traits listed by men as turn-offs include wearing too much make-up, using filtered selfies and even having children.

Men were most likely to swipe right on a funny bio and an adventure seeker, while women listed a good job and facial hair as top reasons to give a potential match a chance.

The research, which took into consideration multiple dating apps, revealed that 84 per cent of women consider a promising career a very attractive trait. Meaning it is the most important factor.

Good looks came in second at 79 per cent, and with 66 per cent of votes facial hair was the third most decisive reason why women would swipe right on a dating app.

Believe it or not, over half of women appeared to believe in the power of astrology, as 61 per cent admitted to finding zodiacal compatibility very important.

To no woman’s surprise the biggest turn off for 86 per cent of Ladies proved to be topless pictures on men's dating profiles. Topless profile pictures give you a very certain left swipe, gents.

When it came to what men found attractive, good looks also ranked first with 88 per cent, while humor came in second with 75 per cent of men stating they would swipe right for a funny bio.

A woman’s occupation also proved very important for 69 per cent of men, while 57 per cent told to be attracted by an adventure seeker. Moreover, wearing too much makeup will result in a left swipe from 91 per cent of men who preferred the more 'natural look'. In addition being a parent is undesirable for 84%.

And if the person shared a name as one of their exes, 70 per cent of women would swipe left, while too many group pictures was also named as a turn-off.

Other reasons listed included 'not being their type', 'selfies with a filter on' and 'pictures with other men'.

In Short:

Biggest dating profile turn-offs for women

Topless pictures 86%
Star signs not compatible 81%
Shares their name with an ex 70%
Too many group pictures 62%
Pictures with other women 60%

Biggest dating profile turn-offs for men

Too much makeup 91%
Is a parent 84%
Not their type 77%
Selfies with a filter on 68%
Pictures with other men 57%

Biggest dating profile turn-ons for women

Occupation 84%
Good looks 72%
Facial hair 66%
Compatible star signs 61%
Pets in pictures 53%

Biggest dating profile turn-ons for men

Good looks 88%
Funny bio 75%
Promising career 69%
Well-traveled/Adventure Seeker 57%
Sporty type 51%


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