It’s pretty safe to say that if you are a female who enjoys the friendship and company of both sexes, that you will have probably had to put your fair share of friend zoning into practice over the years! So what are the signs he's trying to friend zone you?
Friend zoning is something that we all subtly do to make it known to a new guy that you aren’t interested in him romantically, but still value his presence in your life. However, given the amount of friend zoning that a girl generally has to do over the course of her dating life, you would be shocked to find out just how common it is for women to miss the signs of it happening when the tables are turned! Here are just a few of the biggest signs he's trying to friend zone you.
1 Forgetting Your Number
If he forgets your number, it's one of the most obvious signs he's trying to friend zone you. Do you keep expecting calls or texts from him but they never arrive? Does he always give the excuse that he forgot your number or mislaid the note before he had the chance to put it on his phone? Let’s be real. If he wanted to get in touch with you, he already would have. He’s simply just not interested in anything romantic!
Frequently asked questions
2 Awkward Contact
Do you often feel like he is stiff and kind of awkward every time you go in for a hug? Or that he doesn’t respond in the way that you might think he would when you do something like pat his arm? Just think about the way you feel when a guy is giving you unwanted attention, it’s pretty much identical! Not embracing a lingering hug is a clear sign that you have been put in the friend zone.
3 Breaking the Touch Barrier
This is a fun experiment to test out your feelings. Drop something nearby him, and being the gentleman that he is, he will most likely bend down to retrieve it for you. As he is handing it back, leave your fingers on the object for that split second too long, initiating the briefest of touches between the two of you. If his own fingers don’t stay, then you can be almost sure that he isn’t interested in you in that electric kind of way.
4 He Doesn’t Notice the Little Things
If he hasn’t noticed that you have cut or dyed your hair, or that you are wearing a pretty new dress for the first time, then the fact of the matter is that he probably wasn’t paying enough attention to you in the first place to notice the current changes! His lack of attention is a clear sign that he isn’t interested.
5 He Gives Dating Advice
Guys who are interested in a girl don’t tend to give her advice on how to hook up with somebody else! If he seems genuinely engaged in trying to get you a date with one of his friends, then you can clearly see that he treats you more like a friend than a love interest.