If you have been single and ready to mingle for a long time, you will know just how exhausting and disheartening being in the dating pool for an extended period can really be. If you aren’t particularly aiming to find a long term love interest and are just in it for temporary fun, then there is a lot to enjoy about fast, regular dating, but you need to be careful that you don’t become jaded by it and start to become accustomed to an unfulfilling conveyor belt type situation. Some women don’t even know that they need to take a step back because this weird rhythm has become their new norm. Here are five key signs that you might need to take a break from dating!
1 Too Much Excitement about Every Date
You get equally excited about each date that you go, regardless of the quality of man than you are meeting. This is an indicator that you have become more excited about the process of going on the date, having dinner, etc., than actually about the prospect of making a meaningful connection with someone. To cure this, take some time out and try to readjust your priorities when it comes to dipping in the dating pool.
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2 Numerous Dating Apps
If you have more than two dating apps in your phone, then it might be time to take a break. It can become more of an addiction than a viable option for meeting somebody special, because you are going through these apps more like a job than a means of falling in love! Take a step back and you never know, you might even find yourself meeting somebody in the real world rather than via a screen!
3 High Expectations
If you think that every single person you meet is a loser, then it’s probably because your expectations are way too high, and you might need to take yourself out the game to find some perspective on the issue. You’re not going to meet Prince Charming in five minutes, no matter how many dates you orchestrate, so just take a second out of the limelight and try to readjust what you are really looking for.
4 Don’t Know What You Want
One of the worst things you can do is to bounce around the dating pool, going from one disappointment to the next, without actually knowing what you want to come out of all of this. Remove yourself from the line of fire, as it were, and take some time to figure out what it is that you are seeking from your dating life. Do you want a husband? Do you want a short term thing? Do you just want a few one nighters when you are in the mood? Once you understand what you are looking for, you might find yourself having more success.
5 Low Self Esteem
The world of dating can be a tough one for your self esteem and confidence, especially if nothing seems to be working out. If you are feeling low, then take yourself out of the pool for a little while and work on loving yourself rather than trying to find someone else who will do it for you. As RuPaul always says at the end of every Drag Race episode, if you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you going to love someone else?