17 Signs You Should Stay Single a Little Bit Longer ...

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17 Signs You Should Stay Single a Little Bit Longer ...

You don't want to date before you're ready. If you do, then you're going to end up being even more miserable than you were when you were unattached. To save yourself from a world of trouble, here are a few signs that you should stay single for a little bit longer:

1 You Don’t Love Yourself

You Don’t Love YourselfA man isn't going to help you see your beauty and learn to love yourself. You need to come to those realizations on your own, before you start looking for a date.

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2 You Don’t Know Any Good Men

If there's no one good to date, then you shouldn't be dating. Be patient, and wait for someone worth your time to come along.

3 You Don’t Have Enough Time for Him

Relationships require a lot of effort if you want them to succeed. If you don't have enough time on your hands, then you should wait until life gets a little less hectic.

4 You Want to Keep Sleeping around

Don't call someone your boyfriend if you're still interested in sleeping around. You don't want to end up cheating on a nice guy.

5 You Want Him to save You

It doesn't matter how amazing a man is, because he won't be able to save you. Only you can save yourself.

6 You’re Not over Your Ex

You need to get closure with your ex before you think about dating someone new. You can't move on when your heart is stuck in the past.

7 You’re Not Confident

Don't date a man in order to raise your confidence. There are better ways to feel good about yourself.

8 You Don’t Know What You like in Bed

Before you sleep with a man, you should touch yourself to figure out what you like. Otherwise, sex won't go all that well.

9 You Have Too Many Trust Issues

If you're going to accuse your man of cheating on you every other day, you'll never last. You have to learn to deal with your trust issues before you find a boyfriend.

10 You’re Selfish

Love requires you to be selfless. If you only care about yourself, it'll be hard for you to treat your man right.

11 You’re Feeling Pressured

Don't let your friends or family members push you into dating. Your love life is none of their business.

12 You Only like Jerks

If the only boys you're interested in are mean ones, you should stay single. You don't want to end up in an unhealthy relationship.

13 You’re Not Ready for Change

Relationships can change your life significantly. If you're happy with your current schedule, then don't change your relationship status.

14 You Don’t Want to Answer to Anyone

Your boyfriend won't be the boss of you. However, he will expect you to text him frequently and tell him where you're going. If you're not okay with that, stay single.

15 You’re Scared of Commitment

If you're terrified of getting your heart broken, you might make rash decisions. Wait until you're more comfortable with the idea of dating to go after your crush.

16 You Want Your Privacy

If you aren't willing to share yourself with another person, you shouldn't date. A healthy relationship requires complete honesty and openness.

17 You Don’t Want One

If you don't want a boyfriend, then don't look for one. Do whatever makes you the happiest, regardless of what society tells you is "normal."

Are you looking for a boyfriend, or do you think it's best if you stay single for a little bit longer?

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