9 Obvious Signs You're in the Wrong Relationship ...


9 Obvious Signs You're in the Wrong Relationship ...
9 Obvious Signs You're in the Wrong Relationship ...

Do you ever get the sinking feeling that your partner might just not be right for you? Sure, we all have our doubts every now and then and relationships take work; but, there are certain instances when you’re in the wrong relationship and it’s not just not working out as we’d like it to. If you feel like you might be in the wrong relationship, Farrah GrayYou has some insightful advice on how to tell if your relationship isn’t good for you.

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1. The Opinion of Others Does Matter

The Opinion of Others Does Matter So you’re madly in love with your partner, but your friends, family, and even your pet aren’t so excited about your new love interest. Don’t ignore their concerns! When starting out in a new relationship it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement, but it’s important to take their opinion seriously. You’ve also got to consider the fact that their feelings about him/ her likely won’t change in the future which could complicate things.

2. Don’t Always Be the One Adjusting

Don’t Always Be the One Adjusting One of the great things about relationships is that your partner can make you want to be a better version of yourself. Maybe he encourages you to spend more time volunteering or she helps you come up with ways to get that promotion at work. However, if your partner is always pointing out your faults and wants you to change, is he/she really in love with the real you? You can’t always be the one changing in order to please your partner.

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3. You’re Always Being Criticized

You’re Always Being Criticized No one is perfect and if you find that your partner puts you down a lot, constantly compares you to others, or makes mean “jokes”, it’s time to let him/ her know that it’s not acceptable! Your partner should love you for you, not a “work in progress” version of you. Your partner should be accepting, loving, and most of all make you feel good about yourself.

4. You’re the Follower and Your Partner is Always the Leader

You’re the Follower and Your Partner is Always the Leader We always hear that relationships are 50/50, and it’s true. One person can’t always be the person making all of the decisions for the two of you. There might be times where one of you is more knowledgeable about something or just wants to take the lead and that’s fine. But if your partner insists on always making the decisions, it could be a red flag.

5. Do You Wonder What He/she is Doing While You Are Away or out?

Do You Wonder What He/she is Doing While You Are Away or out? It’s natural to miss your partner and wonder what he or she might be doing, but we’re talking about trust here. Do you wonder what your partner is up to because you don’t trust him/her? If that’s the case, it could mean trouble down the line. Distrust can lead to arguments, jealousy, and it’s just not healthy.

6. It’s Never Enough

It’s Never Enough Does your partner complain that you never spend enough time with her/her? Or, maybe you’re the one who can’t get enough time with your love and he/she likes to spend time with friends. Gray emphasizes that couples have to be mutually comfortable with the time you two spend together. If your partner likes spending Friday nights with friends, it’s most likely not going to change in the future.

7. The Physical Relationship Isn’t Happening

The Physical Relationship Isn’t Happening Are you into PDA and lots of touching, but your partner prefers less contact? It’s possible that you or your partner can grow to prefer more or less physical contact, but there’s a greater chance he/she won’t change which could lead to cheating down the line. It’s not a total deal breaker, but it’s something to keep in mind if one person isn’t providing what the other wants.

8. You’ve Lost Control

You’ve Lost Control Do you ever feel like you no longer have a say in how you spend your free time? Are you constantly doing things your partner has planned to make him/her happy? Do you have to ask permission to see your friends or family? If you answered yes, it could mean that your partner has taken control and not in a good way. Healthy relationships aren’t based on one person making all the decisions for the other.

9. You Feel It’s Your Job to Make Him/her Happy

You Feel It’s Your Job to Make Him/her Happy Partners make one another happy out of love, but it’s not anyone’s job to do so. If your partner is needy and totally depending on you, this is a sure sign of an unhealthy relationship! Not only is it unhealthy for your partner to be so reliant on you as their sole source of happiness, you will be exhausted from constantly trying to keep your partner happy.

What did you think of Farrah Gray’s signs of being in the wrong relationship? If you’ve been in the situation before, do you have any advice you’d like to share?

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Make your relationship with Jesus #1 and the rest will come.

Me too

Sad to say almost all these make my list 😢

Me too

I am really fed up with these negative posts👎👎👎